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Between Here and Forever by Elizabeth Scott 7 Sep 2011 | 12:02 pm
Title: Between Here and Forever Author: Elizabeth Scott Release Date: May 24, 2011 Publisher: Simon Pulse Pages: 250 pages Links: amazon/ goodreads/ website Source: publisher for review Summary: Abby...
Between by Jessica Warman 5 Sep 2011 | 04:23 am
Title: Between Author: Jessica Warman Release Date: August 2, 2011 Publisher: Walker Pages: 447 pages Links: amazon/goodreads/ website Source: publisher for review Summary: Elizabeth Valchar—pretty, ...
Winner of Haunting Violet! 25 Jul 2011 | 01:09 am
Good morning all! Thanks for everyone who entered the contest and for all the suggestions given by everyone. It's good to know that some people are still here. :] But anyways as for the winner...*dru...
Bitter End by Jennifer Brown 24 Jul 2011 | 03:30 am
Title: Bitter End Author: Jennifer Brown Release Date: May 10, 2011 Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers Pages: 359 Links: amazon/ goodreads/ website Source: Library Summary: When Alex fal...
Interview with Jennifer Brown 24 Jul 2011 | 12:40 am
Today I am super excited to welcome Jennifer Brown back a second time on the blog for an interview! This time she is here to talk about her new novel, Bitter End, which talks about a teenage girl goin...
Haunting Violet ~ Review and Giveaway! 2 Jul 2011 | 03:59 am
Title: Haunting Violet Author: Alyxandra Harvey Release Date: June 21, 2011 Pages: 352 pages Publisher: Walker Childrens Links: amazon/ goodreads/ website Source: from publisher for blog tour Watch b...
IMM ~ March 27th 28 Mar 2011 | 09:25 am
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Haven't done one in a while so I thought I would share the books I got. For Review: * Blood and F...
Mad Love by Suzanne Selfors 25 Mar 2011 | 09:33 am
Title: Mad Love Author: Suzanne Selfors Release Date: January 4, 2011 Pages: 336 Publisher: Walker Books for Young Readers Links: amazon/ goodreads/ website Source: received for review Watch th...
New Year...New Blog? 25 Mar 2011 | 09:28 am
I understand this is probably the 100th time I've claimed I'll re-start blogging but I will really try this time. To prove it here's a sort of re-introduction. My name is Lizzie and I am a 17 year ol...
Winner of Low Red Moon! 31 Dec 2010 | 04:48 pm
Yes I know the winner was supposed to be announced months ago but it's here now! The winner issssss..... Donnas! Congrats and thanks to all who entered...there is still time to win bookmarks so chec...