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There's nothing funny about a dog in a suit 29 Jun 2012 | 02:35 pm
Unless it's a pug. Pugs look ridiculous in suits. I meant to polish my nails tonight. But I did this instead. It's not a custom suit. Target was selling it. So that's a lot less weird.
It's a 4-way Finale on DWTS this season 23 Mar 2011 | 08:01 am
I watched the premiere of Dancing with the Stars last night. Don't judge me - it's mesmerizing and you know it. If you don't watch it, then you're watching some Real Housewives, or Jersey Shore, or ...
What's on Your Emergency Evacuation List? 18 Mar 2011 | 04:49 pm
I'm waiting for Japan to implode and overflow with nuclear effluvia that will fly into the atmosphere and head straight to San Diego. It's possible that I have been watching too much TV, but in all s...
Tori's Big Adventure, Or How The Big Red Dope Locked Me Out 19 Mar 2010 | 01:31 pm
[Tori dictated today's blog]: So, The Big Red Dope propped the front door open this afternoon when she got home from somewhere. We let her leave the house once a day - if we don't, she gets a little ...
I Didn't Win the MegaMillions, or any other lottery, in the last 24 hours 31 Jan 2010 | 12:21 pm
I wonder if I should leave the house again today. There seems to be a limit to the number of items I can remember to bring with me when I walk out the front door, and the keys aren't always one of th...
Let's Pretend 2009 Didn't Happen... 13 Jan 2010 | 06:51 pm
Someone asked me today if they could see my blog, and I said, uh, sure. My blog. I still have that, don't I? If pressed, I would have been sure that I hadn't posted here since June 22, 2009 - 'the day...
Time to re-direct some energy 13 Sep 2008 | 05:09 am
I received a knitting newsletter this morning that I always skim for new things to start to knit, and then abandon halfway through. (Starting a project involves buying yarn, while finishing a project ...
This is so wrong, it's right...nope, still wrong 15 Aug 2008 | 08:36 am
First reply with the correct number of gratuitous full-splits in this video gets a signed photo of Woogie au naturel. Courtesy of my new favorite website, OH MY GOD. The following video i...
Woogie: update 8 May 2008 | 08:29 am
Dr. Hetzler called, and said that Woogie's THYROID is 'depressed' and that may be contributing to his weight problem. He's prescribing medication and wants to test him again in a month. Lucky dog!! I...
Woogie is Fat 7 May 2008 | 04:15 pm
Now, you are no doubt saying to yourself: duh. Woogie has been portly for many years; he has his (birth) mother's physique, alas. But this morning, at the vet, he weighed in at 24.9 lbs, and he should...