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China Coal Buyer 26 Jan 2012 | 04:20 pm
South china Middle China North china almost 97 % coal buyer is from china other is : India , Malaysia , Korea , Philippine usually not a buyer : Singapore , Australia Procedure 1.= all cost / expe...
Steam Coal Price 29 Nov 2011 | 07:52 am
Price Fob FOMV by 100 % LC at sight FOB Mother Vessel Kcal 65 - 63 ADB fob mv US $ 110 cash only Kcal 63 - 61 ADB fob mv US $ 95 Kcal 60 - 58 ADB fob mv US $ 88 Kcal 58 - 56 ADB fob mv US $ 82 Kcal ...
Loading Coal To Barge 21 Nov 2011 | 05:37 pm
Loading Coal Process : Loading Coal To Barge China Coal Buyer Indonesia Coal Map East Kalimantan - Kaltim ::: Loading Port ( Jetty ) : Tanjung Harapan , Senoni - East Kalimantan Omega And BBS , dond...
Loading Coal Process Barge To Vessel 1 Oct 2011 | 02:17 pm
Loading Coal Process Barge To Vessel China Coal Buyer Indonesia Coal Map After Draft contract + draft LC ready Survey Time Plan ======================= 1. Make survey schedule 2. Budget and expense ...
Indonesia Coal Map 27 Sep 2011 | 01:09 pm
Batu licin ============ Jetty : TCM - LAC - KEDECO - Power City - Batu licin (((( tangjung pemancingan ))) Binuang ============ Anchorage Mother Vessel IN TABONEO Sungai Danau ============ Jetty : K...
Jual Batu Bara Kalori 6300 6100 14 Sep 2011 | 03:12 pm
Kalori 5300 – 5100 FOB MV US $ 53 Kalori 5500 – 5300 FOB MV US $ 68 Kalori 5800 – 5600 FOB MV US $ 80 Kalori 6300 - 6100 FOB MV US $ 91 - 92 Kalori 6500 - 6300 FOB MV US $ 105 cash only tersedia juga...
Cari Batu Bara Kalori 6300 - 6100 14 Sep 2011 | 01:21 pm
Coal 63-61: Price: $ 91-92 /MT FOB Vessel, Payment L/C Rp 700.000/MT Payment Cash Coal 58-56 : Price: $ 80 /MT FOB Vessel Payment L/C Rp 590.000/MT Payment Cash / US $ 70 Coal 55-53 : Price: $ 68/MT...
Steam Coal Specification 13 Sep 2011 | 02:30 pm
FOB Mother Vessel PRICE by LC 100 % at sight ARB 5500 - 5300 price US $ 92 TM 16-18% ARB 5300 - 5200 price US $ 85 TM 20-26% ARB 5000 - 4800 price US $ 80 TM 28-30% ARB 4800 - 4600 price US $ 68 TM 34...
FOB Mother Vessel Price 13 Sep 2011 | 02:28 pm
FOB Mother Vessel PRICE by LC 100 % at sight ARB 5500 - 5300 price US $ 92 TM 16-18% ARB 5300 - 5200 price US $ 85 TM 20-26% ARB 5000 - 4800 price US $ 80 TM 28-30% ARB 4800 - 4600 price US $ 68 TM 34...
Butuh Batubara Kalori 6300 6100 31 Aug 2011 | 06:03 pm
Saat ini kami mencari Batubara dengan kalori 6300-6100 untuk export dan lokal Kcal 6300 - 6100 harga USD $ 88 - US$ 90 FOB MV Kcal 5500 - 5300 harga USD $ 65 FOB MV Payment by LC Jika minat, mohon ...