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Cucumbers!! 9 Jun 2013 | 12:40 am
Not enough is said about the humble cucumber in my opinion. With the summer approaching (or so we are to believe!), the cucumbers are coming up and we need to do something with this understated veget...
Untitled 20 Jun 2012 | 08:32 pm
My very own door stop I don't usually have many inspirational ideas but I had one today! My front door will insist on shutting on it's own and it's especially rude of it when it shuts on an unsuspe...
Starting again. 15 Feb 2011 | 10:21 am
I'm so looking forward to getting started in my garden again. Planting seeds, watching them grow, eating them, yum yum. We are having some massive trees cut down on Thursday which should look nicer...
Valentines Day 15 Feb 2011 | 05:37 am
Ofcourse today is valentines day. I could not let this day pass without proclaiming to the world how much I love my hubby and to thank him for the gooey card, Adele cd, Billy Connelly dvd and for gene...
I made marmalade! 15 Feb 2011 | 05:23 am
Now this is a big thing for me as in the past I have found it ridiculously hard to do. My last attempt at jam was years ago and it was so hard the spoon would not dip in it and I had to throw all the ...
Blogging.... 29 Jan 2011 | 04:08 am
I don't know how all you lovely people who I follow manage to find the time to blog so often. It has been nearly a month now since I shared a blog. I just don't find the time to sit and organise my th...
He's behind you!! 3 Jan 2011 | 03:54 am
Going to a panto today. Love pantos and so do the kids even my two teenagers. We really get into the whole thing and this is their last performance of the year.
A new day in 2011 2 Jan 2011 | 01:04 am
I hope you all had a fab New Year and will continue to have a great and prosperous 2011 xx
Giving Blood 31 Dec 2010 | 05:38 am
I always feel good when I do this, especially as I get out of cooking the dinner and other stuff he he
HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL 28 Dec 2010 | 06:40 am
I hope you all had a great christmas!!!