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Avatar - Pocahontas in Space 19 Jan 2010 | 06:47 pm
My seventeen year old daughter said it best: "Pocahontas in space." The plot, the characters, the themes, the nature worship, the technical effects--pretty much all of it--Pocahontas in space. Like Po...
Who Said This? 19 Jan 2010 | 06:28 pm
Every heresy is a truth run amok.
For the Record 19 Jan 2010 | 06:27 pm
The worst enemy of a good principle is the fool who carries it to a ridiculous extreme.
Catholic Movie Review - Prince Caspian (2008) 22 May 2008 | 06:13 pm
We all trooped down to the local cinema tonight to catch Prince Caspian, the second installment of the current Chronicles of Narnia series, and were not disappointed. My children have been eagerly wai...
Catholic Movie Review - Horton Hears a Who 13 May 2008 | 07:43 am
I guess I should be happy that Hollywood managed to make a children's movie that is actually rated G, free of flatulence humor, and reasonably entertaining, but I can't get excited about this one. On...
Romeo & Juliet by Zeffirelli 20 Mar 2008 | 12:36 am
One of the most overrated movies of all time, the PG version generally available on DVD is the 1973 remake, not the 1968 release. According to today's rating standards, I think this movie would be rat...
The Bible and Source Criticism - The JEDP Boondoggle 20 Mar 2008 | 12:31 am
As I understand it, the Church does not require anyone to believe the JEDP theory or any of its many "source criticism" variants or developments. Neither has the Church condemned these theories in gen...
The History of Christendom, Volume 1: The Founding of Christendom, by Warren Carroll 16 Mar 2008 | 11:43 pm
At last! After literally years of reading and perusing dreary histories of Christianity evidently written by nonbelievers, I finally found this set. As far as I know, The History of Christendom is th...
Witness to Hope: The Life of John Paul II (2002) - Catholic Movie Review 15 Mar 2008 | 10:59 am
If you are looking for a documentary version of the life of the late great John Paul II, the one to see is Witness to Hope - The Life of John Paul II (2002). This documentary features information from...
John Paul II (2005) - Catholic Movie Review 15 Mar 2008 | 10:52 am
If you want to see a dramatization of the life of the late great John Paul II, this made for television movie, for which John Voight won an Emmy, and Cary Elwes (whom you may remember from The Princes...