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God, Words, and Lima Beans 25 Oct 2009 | 07:31 am
There are a lot of ways to say things. For instance, instead of using the word “rich” you could say “affluent”. Or instead of using “gossip” you could use “quidnunc”. One might say, “I like waffles!” ...
One of Those Days 7 Jul 2009 | 06:25 am
There are days I really don't want to be a chaplain. I'm not really sure how I got there, but there I was standing in the operating room of the hospital on our FOB watching doctors and nurses of vary...
D-Day Remembered 7 Jun 2009 | 04:23 am
American Cemeteries on Foreign Soil Aisne-Marne, France- 2,289 interred, 1,060 missing remembered Ardennes, Belgium – 5,329 interred, 462 missing remembered Brittany, France – 4,410 interred, 498 mis...
Doing the Math 14 May 2009 | 04:23 am
Today began like every other day in this vacation spot known as Afghanistan. My alarm went off, like normal. I hit snooze, like normal. It screamed at me again, like normal. I turned it off, like norm...
Catching a Buz 23 Apr 2009 | 10:08 pm
I think Robert Di Nero explained it rather well as Al Capone in 'The Untouchables' when he said in his thickest, 1920ish, prohibition-like, Mafioso accent, Enthusiasms! What are mine? What draws my a...
A Box Of Non Stop Half Time Time Out! 11 Mar 2009 | 02:11 am
Transitions are never easy; especially when they are related to deployments. Because war is an ongoing event you can't just call a time out so the guys that have been here can pack up and go home whil...
Providential Coincidence 20 Feb 2009 | 05:18 am
Coincidence? Providence? Something else? For the last week I and a number of traveling companions have been working our way around the globe to the place we will call home until Uncle Sam tells us we...
Becoming Traditional Cheese 16 Feb 2009 | 08:35 pm
Traditions. The Army is full of them, from raising the flag in the morning to lowering it at night, from saluting senior officers to drinking grog at banquets. Every occasion brings with it a traditio...
The Story of Today 14 Feb 2009 | 10:22 pm
The story of today started several weeks back as we drew closer and closer to actually deploying. I have a hunch that this story, or one like it, is one that most in the Armed Services today could tel...
You Can't Go Home 12 Feb 2009 | 03:19 pm
The day is finally here and I'm kind of excited about it. I'm within a few short hours of heading out of the house and into the cold Alaska night where I will link up with the rest of my group of futu...