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For Tiffani 18 Aug 2013 | 12:24 am
This is that question Tiffany asked yesterday: So... today in class we were having a discussion on bullying. Having been bullied as a child I made the comment that I was against it and stop it when I ...
FB World 17 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
A friend asked a question on FaceBook today that I can't answer on FB. Can't answer it there because the answer isn't simple, and FB is a place for simple things. A place where people put up links w...
Absolute Basics 15 Aug 2013 | 04:13 am
Trying to brainstorm something for mixed environment (urban/rural, hot/cold, etc.) survival every day carry. I like working from basic principles forward or from goals backwards. Completely setting ...
Take Offense 10 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
My favorite used book store is Robert's in Lincoln City, Oregon. Whenever we make a trip to the coast we make a point to stop by. I've occasionally found some amazingly rare books there, like a copy...
Question for the Regulars 9 Aug 2013 | 02:40 am
The Conflict Communications Manual is out to the first readers. Waiting on their feedback, and then the usual boring stuff and the book will be available. ConCom's big. I don't think I can overstat...
In Reply 7 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
Lots of comments on the last post and some of them require more thoughtful answers than I can do in a short space. Preamble, though: there is a reason why SD and martial arts are so ripe for misinfo...
Martial Mistakes 3 Aug 2013 | 09:42 pm
The list won't be exhaustive, and I wish all of the things on here were simple and had simple solutions. Most martial arts training isn't effective for SD purposes. Some of it is on the teaching end...
Too Close 3 Aug 2013 | 12:07 am
I'm editing on the Conflict Communications manual. As always, I hate editing. By the time you get to this stage of editing, you've read the damn thing so many times that you everything sounds redund...
Community 1 Aug 2013 | 10:23 pm
Talking with Wayne A. for the last couple of days... good talks-- he's smart, skilled and comes from a very different background (martially, upbringing, and professionally) than I. So lots for me to ...
Multi-Dimension 16 Jul 2013 | 04:16 am
I've written a basic intro to risk management before. You can find it here: The part I want to focus on is the levels of r...