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Gendercide: The worldwide war on baby girls 9 Mar 2010 | 03:59 am
The Economist details a very disturbing, graphic, first-hand account of gendercide in China, as related by Chinese writer Xinran Xue. Sadly, I know in my heart that there are millions of untold stor....
And Now The Olympics Are About To Begin 22 Jul 2008 | 06:19 am
When we started this process two and a half years ago, I really *really* thought we'd be home with our daughter by now. Everyone assured us that we'd have a complete family by the Olympics. No one cou...
I Know It's Been Awhile 7 Mar 2008 | 05:34 am
We have definitely had a busy 6 months, what with moving across the country and settling into a new house and a new job (at least for the DH). We haven't intentionally removed ourselves from the world...
Chinese New Year 8 Feb 2008 | 06:56 am
How many more Chinese New Years will pass until we get our referral? Our agency has 198 families currently in their China program. We've been waiting for 16 months. Currently, the wait seems to be aro...
Breaking Radio Silence 20 Dec 2007 | 09:33 am
In case anybody was wondering what was up, until today I would have said nothing. Y'all know how it is. Wait, and then wait some more. Not today, though. Today we have actual news. Today, we've offic...
It's A Slow Boat 26 May 2007 | 05:04 am
We're back. We had a great time on vacation, and now we're settling back into reality. I actually spent the whole week not thinking about "the wait", which I'm pretty sure is a record. No new news, ju...
Welcome Home! 17 May 2007 | 04:04 pm
To Do List 13 May 2007 | 01:41 pm
1) Sleep 2) Wake up late 3) Take a walk on the beach 4) Nap 5) Swim 6) Kalik 7) Repeat
Vacation 11 May 2007 | 07:10 am
We're headed to the beach for a much-needed vacation. We will be totally incommunicado (well, mostly), and if you need me, you can find me by the sea with a cold beer in my hand. If the phone doesn't ...
Wow. It's May 1st 2 May 2007 | 03:52 am
May 1st. That mythical and elusive date that we've been clinging to since the new regulations were announced. The whole mentality of "things will surely speed up after May 1st" seems so unlikely now. ...