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A Summer Swim at Santa Croce 6 Aug 2013 | 10:34 am
Arriving by boat to the tiny Santa Croce beach west of Amalfi The waves splash against the side of the small boat as it turns toward shore and the brilliant orange umbrellas at the Santa Croce beach....
Pure Meaningless Beauty? 5 Jul 2013 | 04:22 pm
This doesn’t even begin to capture just how beautiful this sunset on a clear June evening really looked or felt. But, it comes close. The sunsets have been lovely the past few weeks, so quietly beauti...
Summer Reads for Amalfi Coast Lovers 22 Jun 2013 | 09:53 pm
The summer has arrived and with it comes some much needed beach time with a great book. I hope your summer brings you travels to a warm and sunny destination … perhaps even the Amalfi Coast! If you ca...
Primo Bagno 20 Jun 2013 | 08:56 pm
Heading to the beach in Amalfi for the first swim of the season! This spring has been an odd one on the Amalfi Coast with many days of rain and surprising chilly weather. When the weather finally got...
Spring Blossoms at the Villa Cimbrone 8 Jun 2013 | 11:31 pm
Spring bursts into bloom on the Amalfi Coast Spring came a bit late this year, but it wasn’t stingy with its beautiful colors and much needed cheeriness. One sunny day when the internet went kaput I ...
Belvedere Principessa di Piemonte in Ravello 2 Jun 2013 | 07:15 pm
An alluring garden entrance in Ravello The Amalfi Coast is made of twists and turns with hidden away staircases, unexpected vistas out to the sea and beautiful spots to discover. If you’re the sort o...
Teeny Tiny Grapes 28 May 2013 | 01:16 pm
Grapes just beginning to grow on the Amalfi Coast Walking home the other day I spotted the first tiny grapes growing on a lush green vine. Spring has been very rainy this year, and the vines and plan...
Wisteria in Positano 25 May 2013 | 07:19 pm
Under the wisteria pergola in Positano Spring came late and all at once this year. The villages along the Amalfi Coast went straight from overcast wintry days to the buzz of activity rushing to prepa...
When Life Gives You Lemons … 22 May 2013 | 08:18 pm
Amalfi Lemon Loaf from The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook I suppose if you lived in Georgia life might give you peaches. Perhaps oranges if you call the Sunshine State home. On the Amalfi Coast life rea...
A Sunday Drive to Salerno 5 May 2013 | 04:05 pm
Zooming along the Amalfi Coast curves looking toward Amalfi The first sunny weekend on the Amalfi Coast and everyone … and I mean everyone … hits the road for a drive. When there’s only one road, tha...