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The Final Weekend 23 Mar 2010 | 07:25 am

Well and this is where it all ended. Charlotte du Jardin with Valegro took the Small Tour title and Juan Manuel Munoz Diaz the Big Tour with our favourite 'pocket rocket' Fuego XII. Charlotte came in...

Wednesday 17 March and gossipy snippits 18 Mar 2010 | 05:48 am

Well thanks to some top sleuthing we have discovered the story behind the strangely parked blue car. Hire cars have a really tough time in this part of Spain and we never see one without some decent d...

Tuesday 16th March - Happy Birthday Peter! 17 Mar 2010 | 06:51 pm

Another lovely day - first half of the PSG running in the afternoon, 2nd half Wednesday. Main news is that Carl has decided not to run Uthopia for the show this week. It can be hard for young horses -...

Untitled 16 Mar 2010 | 05:27 am

It's rather strange that this is our first "proper" Monday. Normally Mondays are our rest day. Horses are walked or hacked out, riders have the chance to unwind and we explore the local countryside or...

Sunday 14th March 15 Mar 2010 | 05:29 am

Can you believe that we have visitors, go out a lot, eat and drink too much and bang goes our good intentions of writing the blog every day. Well we're BACK. Pip cooking a Sunday Roast (yes truly), Ru...

Wednesday 10th March 11 Mar 2010 | 06:23 am

Our first really stunning day today. Sunny and warm though cold in the shade. It was a quiet day with an Owner's class this morning and the trot up at lunchtime. After that nothing was planned in the ...

Tuesday 9th March 10 Mar 2010 | 06:58 am

Rowan Lewis (above) on the gorgeous Blakes Da Vinci. Annabelle Collins is entering the arena (left) with Vejer de la Frontera in the background and Joanne Vaughan is flying the flag for Estonia top le...

Monday 8th March 9 Mar 2010 | 04:33 am

Never before has there been a competition on a Monday, the DAY OFF. But never has there been so much rain on a Saturday! Today's Grand Prix Special was convincingly won by Carl Hester and Sasha Stewar...

Sunday 7th March 8 Mar 2010 | 10:25 am

Today was a fab day with Carl winning the GP and Charlotte winning the Int I. The showground were mesmerised with both combinations and loved the standards being set! Charlotte was so excited about Va...

Saturday 6th March PART ONE 6 Mar 2010 | 11:14 pm

Rained off!! GP postponed until tomorrow. But Young Riders should run this evening 630ish. Last week they pumped the water out of the warm up arena and sounds like they'll do the same today. We had to...

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