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KETCHUP 20 Aug 2013 | 06:18 am
In your busy, hectic and over-accounted-for day; making homemade ketchup is probably not a big priority ...........I get that. But if you find yourself with a little extra time, this ketchup is WELL W...
POT LUCK MINI CHERRY PIES 16 Aug 2013 | 12:39 pm
These "Grab-and-Go" mini cherry pies are perfect for large gatherings and family or church potluck dinners. The dough can be made days ahead and baked off when you have some "extra" time, which is a b...
CRAB CAKES (ALMOST) 15 Aug 2013 | 02:40 am
Even here in Alaska, crab is VERY expensive and (unless you have a good connection with a crab fisherman) it is often already frozen when it hits our market (which effects the quality greatly) and mak...
HOME MADE CREME FRAICHE 12 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Creme Fraiche is all the rage on the Food Network cooking channels, but it is one of those ingredients that I've been too stubborn old fashioned to try, until now. Well, my curiosity got the better o...
School lunches are right around the corner, and these muffins are SUPER moist (they taste even better on day two and three as long as you keep them covered well) AND they are packed with flavor!! Mak...
MAPLE PECAN TASSIES 8 Aug 2013 | 12:31 pm
When our kids were little, I made these Tassie's ONLY on special occasions, or during the Christmas holiday. I'm not sure why that was "the rule", but it was. These days, at our house, Tassie's have ...
PIZZA CHICKEN 3 Aug 2013 | 02:28 pm
I came up with the idea for Pizza Chicken one afternoon as I defrosted(yet another) potentially boring package of boneless, skinless chicken breast. I'm guessing the "idea" was the result of I'd real...
I originally posted this a couple years ago, but we have had record breaking heat, here in Alaska, this summer, so I thought it was an excellent time to re-post it. This fudge-y treat is rich, delici...
MINI MAPLE CHEESECAKES 16 Jul 2013 | 06:27 am
We love the world of mini desserts these days; with an "empty nest", mini desserts are an easy better way to battle the mega-calories that a big ole' cheesecake in the fridge tempts us with. Picky-pi...
CAKE DECORATING 101 10 Jul 2013 | 03:10 pm
I don't profess to be a great cake decorator, but I do "OK" at it and I thought I would share a few tricks and tips to people who are nervous about giving it a try. Let's just say that cake decoratin...