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Untitled 9 Aug 2013 | 09:12 am
Eid Mubarak!
"Femen" and I 6 Apr 2013 | 05:53 am
This whole Femen thing really saddens me, for two reasons. The first is the obvious one - after going through so much to wear hijab, you think we'll ever remove it? If we remove it, we do so by our ow...
Untitled 6 Mar 2013 | 04:05 pm
Isn't a mothers love the craziest yet most overwhelming thing? Pre baby, I could never imagine how big my heart could get. But here I am, in love with an almost 4 month old, so in love with his every ...
Untitled 30 Jan 2013 | 03:59 am
How do you make a password protected post now? I used to know but can't seem to figure it out since blogger changed...
Untitled 20 Jan 2013 | 05:13 am
Argh I wish I was one of those women that can try for another baby a few months after birth. I'd love to have another one! But far out, I'm way too scared of birth at the moment to think about another...
Nursing in public? 29 Dec 2012 | 03:58 am
How do you breastfeed in public while wearing hijab? We've got nursing rooms in shopping centres here that have curtained off armchairs, but most people don't shop 100% of the time when they're out s...
Breastfeeding and Islam 26 Nov 2012 | 01:10 pm
Our little boy is now 12 days old, mashaAllah. I am in awe of how beautiful he is, mashaAllah!!! It's been a huge 12 days. The birth was not what I wanted it to be, maybe one day I'll post about it to...
Hijab during pregnancy 23 Oct 2012 | 09:45 am
I know that my own hijab has deeeefinitely suffered during this pregnancy! Of course in the beginning it was fine but then tunics started getting tighter, jilbabs stopped fitting and skirts stopped zi...
Islam & Newborns... 19 Oct 2012 | 12:48 pm
So I've been thinking about this for a few weeks now. There are practices that are encouraged (if not wajib/mandatory) for us to follow with newborns and their first few days/weeks. We should remember...
Hijab during childbirth: how to maintain it? 12 Oct 2012 | 07:46 am
Salaams ladies, There's not much point apologising for my absence - I am getting worse and worse lol. I wanted to pose this question to all the mothers who still read this blog: how did you maintain ...