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Malu Berniaga 7 Aug 2011 | 12:11 pm
Saya terpanggil untuk membicarakan hal 'malu berniaga' kerana teringat bagaimana segannya saya ketika mula-mula ingin berniaga dulu tatkala ingin menjual kepada bukan sahaja orang yang tidak saya kena...
Just How Many Children Can You Cope With? 17 Mar 2011 | 06:03 pm
When discussing about managing children, the young mothers are often compared to their mothers or grandmothers, and how they were able to cope with even more children ... like 8 or even 12, yet withou...
Stew Daging Unta 8 Mar 2011 | 09:00 pm
Salam. Mula-mula saya sekadar ingin balas mesej yang bertanya tentang resepi Stew Daging Unta ni di Facebook, tetapi disebabkan entah bila2 saja lagilah saya akan ada idea untuk berblog, jadi saya kon...
Don't Scare the Kids! 3 Mar 2011 | 08:06 pm
I am staying up tonight, beyond midnight. My husband is not yet home from an Alumni late-night discussion while my kids are all asleep. I find myself enjoying this moment of self-indulgence, one I rar...
A Hereiophobia and a Goofball Daredevil Not! 7 Jan 2011 | 05:47 am
As a web developer for over 10 years now, it has been a psychedelic journey for me. When I was a newbie programmer, I was impatient and a short-cut lover. I have always been a person who'd jump to G a...
Masalah Keyakinan Diri dan Penjajahan Mentaliti 21 Dec 2010 | 01:44 pm
Saya tidak mahu menulis mengenai kesemua isu lama orang kita seperti hasad dengki, malas, suka jalan pintas untuk mencapai sesuatu, yang kerap dikaitkan dengan orang Melayu, tetapi ingin menyentuh men...
Mencari Formula Wanita Hebat 1 Dec 2010 | 02:30 pm
Menjaga anak2 sendiri merupakan tanggungjawab besar di dalam kehidupan yang menuntut perhatian & keringat yang cukup banyak. Kerjaya juga pastinya segmen yang besar yang dengan sendirinya sangat deman...
How To Put Share Buttons, Bookmark, Google+ and Facebook Like Button With Unique Count on Your Blog 7 Nov 2010 | 09:16 pm
Untuk versi Bahasa Melayu, baca di sini. From my blog post, How to Prevent Blog Traffic Decrease for Seasonal Bloggers, we know that providing easy share to social network buttons can help to increas...
Online Business for WAHMs – Be Duped or Be Wealthy 28 Oct 2010 | 08:35 pm
It is typical for a Staying at Home Mom a.k.a. SAHM to consider doing business from home (thus becoming a Working at Home Mom a.k.a. WAHM), mainly due to the need for extra income or pure boredom, or ...
Social Media Frenzy: We Are What We Post 2 Sep 2010 | 05:43 am
I sign in to Facebook everyday and view all kinds of morning statusses ... from 1-line greetings, to a paragraph of whines, to fancy emoticons, to words of wisdoms, to calls for business deals, to CAP...