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Dania Furniture in Kirkland, Washington is A Store You Probably Shouldn't Solicit, Because We're Assuming it's Bad. 29 Apr 2013 | 01:51 pm

Kirkland, Washington is an affluent, jovial city just outside of Seattle in an area known as the Eastside.  With nearly half of its population in the mostly white 18 to 44 range, it's a youthful area ...

2012 Page 1 Party Raises Close to $1 Million for the Red Cross. 19 Feb 2013 | 10:52 am

Man oh man, was that a party!  We just got over our hangover from last year's Page 1 Party, and have much to report back.  Thanks to the seemingly thousands of Dania Haters who came out to meet with f...

Page 1 Party, 2012 Celebrates Hatred of Dania Furniture with A New Spin 2 Dec 2012 | 05:57 am

Everyone, gather around for the last great party on earth as we know it.  If you haven't requested your invite yet, then consider this it, unless you're a mean Dania employee. With the 2012 winter sol...

Another Year of Hating Dania Furniture, Another Page 1 Party. 20 Nov 2012 | 09:18 am

Folks, it's that time of the year to get together and celebrate our hatred of horrible Dania Furniture with this year's Page 1 Party!  If you're not familiar with this, it's a party that commemorates ...

Celebrating the Dania ScrewedMe Spirit: Jarrett Seltzer vs. Verizon FIOS 23 Sep 2012 | 05:37 am

Okay, we know it's been a while since we've posted, and know that you've been hungering for more anti-Dania content.  Fear not, that's well along the way, plus news about this year's Page 1 Party.  Un...

40 Songs for 1 Million Dania Haters. #1 Playlist for All Dania Furniture Haters on Spotify. 23 Jul 2012 | 03:06 am

The Dania ScrewedMe LLC is proud to present its first official Spotify playlist entitled, 40 Songs for A Million Dania Haters.  This is the official playlist for Dania Furniture Haters worldwide, beca...

Dania Furniture in Northbrook, IL (Near Chicago). One Could Only Assume it's Terrible. 29 Jun 2012 | 11:40 am

Northbrook, Illinois is a northshore suburb of Chicago whose upscaleness has been tainted by the presence of a terrible Dania Furniture location (more on this below). Formerly known as "Northbrook Vil...

Add Dania ScrewedMe on LinkedIn. Let Your Professional Network Know You Hate Dania Furniture. 31 May 2012 | 12:37 pm

Impress your professional network by getting LinkedIn with Dania Furniture's fearless enemy, Dania ScrewedMe. Take our word for it, having us as a connection is likely to boost your odds of getting of...

Dania Furniture Advertises on Rush Limbaugh Show. Gets Lambasted By Everyone and Their Respective Moms...Plus A Major Advertising Fail on Google Adwor... 15 Apr 2012 | 07:27 am

Dania Furniture's follies in advertising continue with the recent marketing debacle on The Rush Limbaugh Show, a conservative, political radio talk show.  On February 29, 2012, Rush Limbaugh said a bu...

Dania Furniture in Portland, Oregon. Probably A Nightmare of an Experience. 9 Apr 2012 | 05:07 pm

Portland, Oregon is a small, large metropolitan city of half a million plus people, just off the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Fun fact: Portland has more nicknames than Dirt McGirt, like PDX, the City ...

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