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Where The Heck Have I Been??????? 6 Aug 2013 | 10:05 pm
I stay away, I come back, I stay away, I come back. I'm always keeping you guessing. Finally I have something more exciting than talking about my job hunting to talk about. As you might have read h...
Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime? 3 Jul 2013 | 10:37 pm
Oh what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green, Do you lay in the pool to keep yourself cool Or swing in a tree, up H....I.....G.....H..... Is this what you do? So do I,ah,I,ah,...
So, What Do You See 14 Jun 2013 | 09:13 pm
Once upon a time, in a doctors office not so far away An x-ray was taken Being that I was allowed in the room to speak to the surgeon (ok, I don't need permission, I was just in there) An x-ray wa...
I Went To The Toyota Dealership And All I Got Was A Dang Coffee Mug 28 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
So, how was your holiday weekend? Mine was loads for fun. My cousin April is in town for a couple of weeks, and I promise we have planned some great field trips for your reading adventure. But firs...
The Revolving Hospital Door - A Soap Opera 22 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
***Cue Soap Opera Music*** Scene One End of September, 2012. My brother Jeff is life-flighted to a hospital in Idaho Falls, while vacationing in Yellowstone. Traveled with my sister up to Idaho t...
Reality Blog Award 13 May 2013 | 09:46 pm
*** Stepping Up To Microphone *** Ummm, hi. I would like to thank Joey at Joey's Pad for passing on the Reality Blog Award to one of his favorite people. Ok, probably just in my mind, but heck, I'l...
You're So Vain..... I Bet You Think That Post Was About You 10 May 2013 | 05:08 am
Guess What? It Wasn't you.....Major Sunshine. Nope, it had nothing to do with you and your mother. But heck, I've certainly enjoyed all the awful comments you made to me and my friends. As I was...
Are You Your Own Person.......Or Are You A Follower 6 May 2013 | 09:55 pm
Never fear, I am still alive and well. As I left you last time, I was in the ER. I haven't seen a specialist yet, because, well, I have no insurance, and I have to get spa-cial permission to see one...
And Then I Ended Up In The ER 8 Apr 2013 | 10:15 pm
My, what a lovely shot of my feet. Have you ever been going along fine in your life, take a nap, and then wake up with a pain in your right side like you have trapped gas? What? You don't. Ok, nev...
Questions That Really Make You Think 5 Apr 2013 | 10:18 pm
I know, I know. I've been away much too long. There is a reason for that, but I will tell you about that later. While getting caught up on my blog reading, I came across these questions that Joey a...