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MORE THAN FIENDS - Buy It June 5!!! 31 May 2007 | 12:53 am

Hi Gang! Kate here, just dropping by to let everyone know that Maureen Child's fabulous new paranormal romantic comedy, MORE THAN FIENDS, goes on sale June 5! MORE THAN FIENDS is simply fabulous! Mau...

So Long, Farewell.... 13 Jan 2007 | 06:20 am

Posted by Christine Well, this is it--for now, anyway. We'll miss y'all. We wish you magic--days of joy and nights full of stars... And most of all, we wish you....

DDers taking a break...... 11 Jan 2007 | 11:08 am

posted by Maureen Okay, so we're not really going fishing! What we ARE going to do is take a hiatus of sorts. Actually, Christine is going to do a goodby blog on Friday, but thought I'd give a shout...

Reading on the Other Side of the Fence 10 Jan 2007 | 04:02 am

I forgot to make a big splash over here about the fact that my latest book, Not Another New Year’s, is excerpted in January’s Cosmopolitan magazine! It’s the "Red Hot Read" of the month. Cool, yes? So...

A Business Plan for Me! 9 Jan 2007 | 04:14 am

Posted by Kate Lately, I’ve read a number of articles written by people I admire, telling me how and why I should create a business plan for my writing career. So I did it. I wrote a business plan. ...

Will These Do? 7 Jan 2007 | 10:58 am

Christine is away for the weekend and I thought I'd step up to the plate. Hah! But this man photo thing is harder than it looks. I googled "handsome men" and it recommended internet dating sites. "Sex...

Curses! 6 Jan 2007 | 04:25 am

All right, enough of the holiday fun. It’s time to get serious here. It’s time to get serious about swear words. I spent time in my early 20s working on a Navy base with current and retired Navy pers...

My life is poop! 5 Jan 2007 | 04:02 am

Posted by Susan My life is poop. I don’t mean that as a metaphor—my life is actually fine. Unfortunately, lately, it seems defined by poop. I have three pets, all of whom, go to the bathroom indoors...

Hurry! Hurry! 4 Jan 2007 | 05:56 am

you posted by Maureen You know that old saying, the hurrier you go the behinder you get?? That describes my life lately. Had the best of intentions. I was going to stick like glue to the latest sch...

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!! 3 Jan 2007 | 11:19 am

posted by FanGirl Let's hear it for our DD girls, Susan and Christie!! Susan's book, Sizzling is number 5 on Walden's Bestseller List!! And Christie's book, Not Another New Year's is number 9 on Wa...

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