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Latest News: Review and $20 Gift Card #giveaway #happybirthdayJR 9 May 2012 | 04:01 pm
I am so excited to share my review of a product from! This is a little different from my typical diaper reviews, but you will not be disappointed. A little about HappyGreenBaby (fr... Review and $20 Gift Card #giveaway #happybirthdayJR 9 May 2012 | 12:01 pm
I am so excited to share my review of a product from! This is a little different from my typical diaper reviews, but you will not be disappointed. A little about HappyGreenBaby (fr...
CutiePaTooties By Lauren Pocket Cloth Diaper Review and Giveaway (3 winners!) US Only (Ends 5/7) #happybirthdayJR 1 May 2012 | 05:01 pm
When I was contacted by Lauren from CutiePaTooties by Lauren to do a review and giveaway for JR's birthday event, I was so excited! I love supporting WAHMs and showing off their great products. Cutie...
Rumparooz OS Pocket Diaper and #Giveaway sponsored by Tooter Pants #ClothDiaperHop 1 May 2012 | 05:01 pm
Mother's Day is almost here and we are celebrating with our love for cloth diapers! Welcome to the Mother's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Hop hosted by Daily Mothering! Nearly 100 blogs have linked up to...
Rockin Green Cloth Diaper Detergent Review and Giveaway (Ends 4/30 US and Canada) #happybirthdayJR 23 Apr 2012 | 04:01 pm
While planning this Birthday event for JR, I was so happy when Rockin Green agreed to sponsor and review and giveaway! We have been using Rockin' Green Cloth Diaper Detergent for about 9 months. I lo...
Rockin Green Cloth Diaper Detergent Review and Giveaway (Ends 4/30 US and Canada) #happybirthdayJR 23 Apr 2012 | 12:01 pm
While planning this Birthday event for JR, I was so happy when Rockin Green agreed to sponsor and review and giveaway! We have been using Rockin' Green Cloth Diaper Detergent for about 9 months. I lo...
GroVia AI2 Review and $20 Gift Card to Lovely Eco Chic #Giveaway (Ends 4/23 US/Canada) #happybirthdayJR 15 Apr 2012 | 04:01 pm
Mary from Lovely Eco Chic is one of the sweetest ladies I've met in the cloth diapering world. I've spent a lot of time just chatting with her over email and when she agreed to sponsor a review and gi...
Fuzzibunz OS and Eco Friendly Tattoo #giveaway! Sponsored by Kelly Wels Ends 4/14 6 Apr 2012 | 07:50 am
If you haven't already, you can read my review of Kelly Wels' Changing Diapers Book here. In exchange for my review, Kelly Wels has offered a giveaway of a One Size Fuzzibunz Diaper and an Eco Friend...
Fuzzibunz OS and Eco Friendly Tattoo #giveaway! Sponsored by Kelly Wels Ends 4/14 6 Apr 2012 | 03:50 am
If you haven't already, you can read my review of Kelly Wels' Changing Diapers Book here. In exchange for my review, Kelly Wels has offered a giveaway of a One Size Fuzzibunz Diaper and an Eco Friend...
Kelly Wel's "Changing Diapers: The Hip Mom's Guide to Modern Cloth Diapering" Book Review 4 Apr 2012 | 05:50 pm
I'm just going to jump in with both feet here and say how much I LOVE Kelly Wels and what she has done and continues to do for the cloth diapering community. When she released "Changing Diapers: The H...