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On Friday, August 23, 2013, My Grandson, Scott Married His Best Friend... 24 Aug 2013 | 09:50 pm
On a beautiful morning at the San Diego Temple in Southern California, my grandson, Scott Messick married his forever sweetheart, McKenzie. The date was August 23, 2013. I am fact, I am to...
From Motorcycles to Motorhomes, the Oregon Coast is a Favorite Destination... 23 Aug 2013 | 08:23 pm
One of the first clues we get on the coast that summer is not too far distant is the influx of motorcycle caravans through our town. They come from the north and they come from the south and I envis...
Hiking to Cascade Head... 23 Aug 2013 | 07:52 pm
Living on the coast has so many benefits. One of my favorites is the beauty of the forests and the ocean and the myriad of hiking trails that lead to beautiful views. I went on a hike the other day ...
The Four Stages of Marriage...From My Viewpoint... 18 Aug 2013 | 12:53 am
Not many women have been as fortunate as I to have loved two men and been able to carry that love locked securely in her heart. I married Gerald Vernon Henderson on June 7, 1958 in the Los Angeles Te...
FIFTY-FIVE YEARS... 8 Jun 2013 | 05:53 am
Fifty-five years ago, hand in hand with the man I had chosen to spend not only this life with, but all of eternity, I entered through the doors of the nearly new Los Angeles Temple to begin a journey ...
A Most Thought Provoking Question... 30 May 2013 | 02:22 am
The other day I was getting my hair cut and my hair dresser asked me, "What was the most exciting thing you have ever done in your life?" This question stopped me in my tracks, because no one thing p...
Thoughts on The Constitution of The United States of America... 14 May 2013 | 01:56 am
Just as our forefather's debated over and over again on what should be included in The Constitution, (and in some cases what should not be included), the gentlemen (and women) in Washington today are ...
Cinco de Mayo... 11 May 2013 | 04:10 am
I know, I know, I know...Cinco de Mayo fell on a Sunday, and we shouldn't have had any fun...but...we did go to church and after church enjoyed some of the most amazing activities I have ever seen. (...
A Powerful Experience... 10 Apr 2013 | 04:41 am
Let me tell you about a very touching experience my husband and I had yesterday on our way home from visiting with Dean's parents in Tacoma, Washington. Mom has been placed on Hospice Care since last...
Seven Decades and Three... 22 Mar 2013 | 08:35 pm
My brother, Darell and I about 1943 or 1945. Somehow I thought at this age, I would be "an old woman!" But, it is not quite so. While the years I've been here keep mounting, the soul within me rema...