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Medieval warriors are back 26 Aug 2013 | 11:37 pm
After many years painting (or should I say NOT painting?) Napoleonic miniatures I returned to medieval figures thanks to 100 dice. In other words, I'm painting a couple of Armies for some playtesting ...
Pictures of last saturday gaming day 20 Aug 2013 | 03:10 am
As promised (and thanks to Marco and Giovanni) here are few pics from last saturday games day in Arezzo. Simone (left) and Stefano (right) playing 100 dice. They played a full battle (with complete....
Another great day of gaming in Arezzo 18 Aug 2013 | 10:51 am
Yesterday, Andrea and me went to Arezzo for a full gaming day in Marco's house. While Andrea tested "Of Gods and Mortals" (the upcoming game he wrote for Osprey) I assisted Marco and Alessandro (morni...
100 dice, hexes and miniatures scale 16 Aug 2013 | 06:38 pm
I received several requests about basing for 100 dice, hexes size and miniatures scale, therefore I decided to take some pics and post them here. As most rules in the last decade, 100 dice does not re...
Tour de Force 13 Aug 2013 | 10:37 am
One game yesterday, with Massimo coming from Rome and playing against Andrea in a tight game. The test showed that - with a little luck and some planning - an apparent defeat can be turned into a vict...
The daily test 8 Aug 2013 | 12:52 pm
Yesterday another playtest of 100 dice. This time it was Nap again, Andrea vs. me. After the doubts of tuesday night game, I modified again some rules (Rally, Morale and Reserves) and introduced Cards...
100 Dice, this time ACW! 7 Aug 2013 | 12:50 pm
Another evening of playtesting for 100 Dice: this time I wanted to try an ACW battle, so I sketched some special rules for the specific period and fought a full battle, with Andrea helping in the fina...
Work in progress 6 Aug 2013 | 12:40 pm
Another playtest of 100 dice yesterday evening with Luciano. Another defeat (for me), but some steps forward in the complex process of adding, cutting and trimming of the rules. Real work and other ev...
100 Dice playtest of version 3.0 5 Aug 2013 | 02:10 pm
While other playtests are going on, yesterday Diego came to Terni to play version 3.0 of the rules. We had a full game in about 2,5 hours, and it ended in a Marginal Victory for him. The game plays we...
100 dice playtest yesterday evening 30 Jul 2013 | 12:19 pm
Another playtest session of 100 Dice yesterday evening chez moi. I played with my friend Luciano and Andrea came to see the last version of the rules (2.1). It was a fruitful game session: I found a c...