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Our Summer Saga Continues 18 Aug 2013 | 10:23 am
TEMPLE STOP--July 15 On our way home from Ellie's piano/violin lesson, we stopped by the temple for a bit. It was closed, so the parking lot was virtually empty. It made for a very quiet and serene st...
Our Past Has Caught Up With Us! 23 Jul 2013 | 10:07 am
Well, well. Look who finally decided to catch up? ... That would be us! We'll begin the end of our not-so-distant past with Ellie's birthday! She turned 6! We opted to have Ellie's party at a park, w...
Reliving More of the Past 19 Jul 2013 | 11:00 am
Time for the next catch-up session! We begin this account with March 10, Sienna's 3rd birthday! Unfortunately, I'm not sure what happened to pictures of her birthday dinner, but here is her invitation...
Blast from the [not-so-distant] past! 30 Jun 2013 | 12:13 pm
What?!? What's this?!? A BLOG POST?!? {happy dances all around} And to think, I used to think it was "bad" when I went a week without posting. :P For those of you wondering... No, we did not fall of...
Sledding! 30 Dec 2012 | 11:14 am
I read that this is the most snow we have had at one time in the last five years, and I believe it! Last year we only had to shovel a couple of inches off of our driveway ONCE, so there wasn't even en...
December Highlights 28 Dec 2012 | 12:09 am
HIGHLIGHT #1 Jeremy and I had our 12th wedding anniversary on the 2nd. He and I ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory to celebrate. We got their peppermint bark cheesecake to go and that was de-lic-io...
Ellie's Recital & Thanksgiving 30 Nov 2012 | 11:19 pm
RECITAL Ellie has been taking official piano lessons for a little over a year (I say "officially" because I started teaching her a year prior to that, but I wasn't very consistent with it); and, she h...
Halloween 2 Nov 2012 | 11:05 am
What good times we had this Halloween! It started off last Friday when some Ward friends hosted a party. Jennifer went with me, which was fun! I wore Jennifer's Starchild costume from last year and s...
Cornbelly's 28 Oct 2012 | 09:07 am
Last weekend we went to Cornbelly's with our twins & Co's. As you can tell by the pictures, we had a lot of fun. It even hit 70 degrees that day! Crazy how just a few days later can reach a low that i...
Two infinities 19 Oct 2012 | 09:06 am
I just have to share these pictures of our adorable girls! Little Miss Ellie's Kindergarten picture! She is wearing pink because it is her favorite color. Little Miss Sienna and I were playing on th...