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Tukar hobby boleh tak? 3 Jun 2013 | 04:00 pm
I happened to be in Kuantan last weekend for a family issue, of which the second Kuantan Century Ride (KCR160) was held on the same Sunday. I get to know few of my friends from JB and KL were going to...
In Control 26 Mar 2013 | 12:33 pm
"Two things you can always control in life... Attitude & Effort" Combining these two, you can achieve whatever you wish, insyaAllah. Let us all keep chasing our dreams...
365 20 Feb 2013 | 01:55 pm
It has been 365 days since I last wrote here. In all honesty, there were few times I wanted to resume writing (more like rambling) but just after jotting down the third sentence, my fingers froze. In...
Pacesetter's 4 x 3km Relay 20 Feb 2012 | 08:56 pm
I guess a quick race deserves a quick story update. Yesterday, I joined the Pacesetters Relay 4 x 3km speed race at Padang Merbok. I like to call it speed race because from my general understanding o...
Some Points 15 Feb 2012 | 05:30 pm
I was clearing up my desk and I saw some old notes I took during one of the sales course which I attended last year August. Just feel like sharing it out here. I've forgotten the whole context of thes...
Lepas Gian 9 Feb 2012 | 05:51 pm
Haritu ada cuti weekend yang panjang. Bersambung dari Sabtu sampai Selasa. Time nak tido hari Ahad malam tu, tiba-tiba terlintas nak bangun pagi besok nya untuk buat solo run – 30km. Suatu perkara yan...
Newton Challenge 25km 2012 25 Jan 2012 | 09:23 pm
So, here comes the first race report for the year 2012. No drum roll is required. Al-maklumlah, cerita dah basi lama dah baru aku terhegeh-hegeh nak post. This race was held on 1st January 2012, which...
Astalavista 2011 30 Dec 2011 | 04:57 pm
We just had our annual performance review for 2011 yesterday, portraying to everybody in the company what have I achieved (read: contributed) for the past twelve months in terms of profit margins. Co...
Pantun Penutup Tahun 28 Dec 2011 | 05:20 pm
Ucapan salam pembuka kata, Pemanis mulut senyuman diserta, Blog sendiri dah lama tak buka, Asyik ber-FB dan Dailymile saja. Ikan siakap ikan kerapu, Dimasak sweet sour enak juga, Sekian lama aku...
Birthday Run Done! 27 Oct 2011 | 05:07 am
Planned to do a 33km run on my birthday (in conjunction with my age), it ended up being 34km. Terbabas daa... Tiada kata yang dapat digambarkan.... P.E.N.A.T..G.I.L.E! Special thanks to Shanaz and J...