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PODCASTING FOR A CHANGE OF PACE 28 Mar 2013 | 04:17 am
Hi All, I know I haven't blogged for awhile, and I heartily apologize. But if you want to catch up with me, try checking out a new podcast I'm doing... It's free and fun and hopefully you'll smile....
Excuses 17 Jul 2012 | 05:33 am
Don't be one of the people who just makes excuses. There's a million reasons not to write today. A million reasons to put off living your dreams. There's so many ways to convince yourself that you'...
So Many Topics, So Little Time 20 Jun 2012 | 03:11 am
Dearest Readers, Apologies for my infrequent updates. As I've stated before, it's kind of hard to maintain a consistent blogging schedule when I have lots of opinions but very little to truly say. ...
The Verdict Is In 10 Apr 2012 | 06:57 am
I've been waiting to give my opinion on KDP Select. There's been a lot of chatter about Amazon's program since it was unveiled, and the reviews have been mixed. For me, a lot of the rhetoric around ...
How Lucky Can We Get 1 Mar 2012 | 03:11 pm
A lot of writers are very nervous about the state of publishing. I keep coming across blog posts and articles and comments where writers decry various e-publishing situations, such as Amazon and KDP ...
Write Smart, Price Smart 13 Jan 2012 | 09:26 am
This is shaping up to be an incredible month as far as my publishing revenue goes. I don't want to say what I'm shooting for just yet, since we still have a ways to go. I'll let you know at the end ...
YEAR IN REVIEW (SORT OF) 23 Dec 2011 | 08:55 am
This probably won't be a long post. Firstly, let me just apologize for my lengthy absence from the blogopshere. The truth is, it's hard for me to keep writing here because I've covered most of what ...
Panic 23 Sep 2011 | 02:24 pm
I noticed a very uncomfortable trend with some of my books this summer. The trend was a bad one--books that had been selling like hotcakes began to steadily decline. Decline, decline, decline. Rece...
Sales Update 17 Aug 2011 | 09:29 am
In July, between Amazon and B&N, I made approximately $3200 for the month. I don't publish through Smashwords so I have no other revenue streams than the big two distribution outlets. Right now, my ...
E-Publishing Misinformation 101 31 Jul 2011 | 05:30 am
I was browsing around on a popular message board not to be named and found a thread about ebook price. Should I change my ebook price from 2.99 down to .99? You're probably familiar with this questi...