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ESR will resume September 2011 7 Jul 2011 | 09:00 am
everything is so random will resume in september 2011 ~ anyone visiting from the corner view, i'm reading when i can. cheers~
Rest, Recharge and Redesign 22 Dec 2010 | 02:00 pm
Work has kept me quite busy these last few weeks, leaving little time for Christmas preparations or blogging. I accomplish as much as I can during these days leading up to the end of December ~ some ...
Yarn Along 9 Dec 2010 | 12:13 pm
Yarn Along with Ginny at Small Things. Tonight I expect to complete the cowl on the right. My first attempt is at left, my first knitting in-the-round experience. As you can see, about 2" from the ...
Out Of Office Assistants 22 Nov 2010 | 09:01 pm
I will be offline until December 1st and thought I'd leave you with this fun picture (the originator of which I do not know or I'd give due credit). Update as of December 6th: Perhaps these "Assis....
Yarn Along 18 Nov 2010 | 09:00 am
Ginny at Small Things hosts a Yarn Along on Wednesdays ~ what's on your needles right now and what are you reading? I have a "little" project on my needles at present. I relearned to knit last Se....
We gathered into a small box: 5 Nov 2010 | 12:00 am
We gathered into a small box: fallen leaves of varying shapes, some golden, others firey red; a few pine cones; and some spent orange/yellow rose petals. The next day he asked if we could walk the n...
Corner View - pondering 27 Oct 2010 | 07:01 pm
'When having a smackerel of something with a friend, don't eat so much that you get stuck in the doorway trying to get out.' - Winnie the Pooh (by way of A.A. Milne) Pooh ponders quite a lot. Here h...
Corner View ~ Our one vacation ~ in pictures 21 Oct 2010 | 04:00 am
Sidekick wore his swimsuit 8 days in a row. I don't know why we bothered to pack any of our clothes. We swam morning, noon and night. If you're up for more armchair travel, be sure to check out othe...
Corner View ~ green (what is your relation to nature?) an eco-friendly idea 13 Oct 2010 | 07:01 pm
Last week the theme was Orange - this week it is Green (aka an eco-friendly green). We are pretty green on the inside, but I've been focusing more lately on being green outside too. A big Thank Yo...
{this moment} ~ one year ago 9 Oct 2010 | 05:17 am
Inspired by SouleMama ~ {this moment} A ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.