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Untitled 14 Mar 2013 | 07:27 pm
Imagine tgh duduk ramai2 sepupu sepapat tgk One HD tiba2 keluar Running Man episod Lee Si Young & Chu Sung Hoon jadi guest pastu semua berebut nak Gary, Jong Kook tough, Ji Hyo cute bla2 pastu tiba2 s...
You and I are a gang of losers. 1 Feb 2013 | 06:43 pm
I like the idea of how this two towers cannot stand on its own without supporting one another. The concept, it applies to which we'll be needing each other to complete us, now and always. HAHAHAHAHA...
How snatchers snatch. 30 Jan 2013 | 08:33 pm
And again, I don't understand a thing. O_o" Merely think it's a good watch & a good reminder though I believe it's a staged video. Helped & educate us to be more careful with our at-the-moment surro...
PNG. 13 Dec 2012 | 08:08 pm
Song of the day. 9 Dec 2012 | 07:14 pm
I actually got goosebumps while listening to this. Don't you just hate it when a song did that to you? And it's not even in your native language pun. Gahhh
Untitled 5 Dec 2012 | 08:47 pm
1. Suka google randomly & tengok gambar-gambar/painting cantik Casey Baugh tapi tak pandai amek gambar cantik. 2. Suka laki muka garang thin smile gelak meriah kalau boleh hitam sikit suka tanya soal...
/sambil dengar I Knew You Were Trouble ulang-ulang. apa lanc tah Taylor Swift ni loser sangat dah orang dumped tu dah la. yang aku pun nak sentap apa cerita? shame on me-
Eid Adha. 1 Nov 2012 | 12:46 am
NYIAUUU, walaupun post lambat seminggu. ;p
That terrible feeling... 1 Nov 2012 | 12:39 am when you try hard to fall asleep but after all the attempts made, YOU JUST CAN'T. It's like your body and inner goddess won't do as they're told whattaaa argh stress dah la pagi-pagi buta ada se...
Harap faham. 24 Oct 2012 | 08:41 pm
SOMEONE HAD TO DRAW A LINE that caught my attention at first. And his fractured hand too, ouch poor thing.