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I'm going to be featured in a Book! 4 May 2007 | 11:41 pm
Hello my dear readers, Many of you may have noticed I often seem to drop of the face of the planet, nowhere to be seen, just the occasional random appearance and quick blog... I do have a habit of ra...
My New Website 1 Apr 2007 | 03:47 am is now Yes! I have redesigned my website and changed my host and domain! I have split my site into sections: One side is for my professional pages, Résumé, Biogr...
My Favourite Movies 1 Apr 2007 | 03:39 am
Hello dear friends, While surfing I randomly found this site called Flixter and you can collect your favourite movies together and create things like this movie wall. It was so cool I just couldn't h...
New Film Forum and Site Updates 12 Mar 2006 | 07:43 am
As technology moves on and new trends and ideas arrive, I have decided to upgrade my old yahoo film group in a way that will encourage more interaction, but less clutter in your inbox. My solution? A ...
My Mission Statement 18 Jan 2006 | 11:26 am
Maybe I've been hanging around way too many Americans again, as I've just written myself a Mission Statement! I'm all fired up, enthusiastic and raring to go - and to help keep me focused on what I w...
My New Official Blog 13 Jan 2006 | 04:47 am
Welcome to my new site blog and news page! I will post any site updates and news here, along with my own work related news. My personal blog can be found on MySpace. My old news page can be found h...