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36 Weeks 3 Oct 2012 | 07:58 pm
How far along: 36 weeks(as of Oct 3rd) Weight Gain: 24lbs Symptoms:Swollen hands(wedding ring's officially off) and feet. Leg(and butt) cramps Stretch marks all over my lower belly and inner thigh....
Catching up at 34 weeks! Baby shower & Baby Name! 13 Sep 2012 | 09:15 pm
Well.... that 6 weeks has passed like nothing! Blame my lazy pregnant brain and not being so motivated to update my status for so long... Here I have some major update for you guys and I can't believ...
28 Weeks 9 Aug 2012 | 08:23 pm
Photographed by hubby. Great job baby! How far along: 28 weeks(as of Aug 8th) Weight Gain: 22lbs Symptoms: Occasional swollen hands and feet. Stretch marks(now lower belly and sideways right above ...
27 Weeks 1 Aug 2012 | 09:44 pm
How far along: 27 weeks(as of Aug 1st) Weight Gain: what now? Stop eating? (sigh...) Symptoms: Occasional swollen hands and feet(and face sometimes...) Braxton hicks. Stretch marks..... o...
25-26 Weeks 27 Jul 2012 | 12:25 am
"yum yum stinky foot!" So for past couple of weeks, I didn't have a chance to get a decent picture of my growing body, so here it is my little man trying to eat(or smell) his foot! I think it is just...
23-24 weeks and a vacation 11 Jul 2012 | 08:28 pm
Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. I was on a vacation for a week to Outer banks NC with few of our friends. Sorry for the long absence but with vacation prep and power outage for 3 days left me w...
22 Weeks 28 Jun 2012 | 07:18 pm
How far along: 22 weeks(as of June 27th) Weight Gain: 12lbs... (sigh..) Given the fact that I lost few pounds during my first trimester, I have gained this number 12 for last two months. My doc told ...
21 Weeks 21 Jun 2012 | 07:26 am
How far along: 21 weeks(as of June 20th) Exercise: 30 min walk, maternity yoga 2-3 times a week Purchases: Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 Travel System(buy HERE) We were on our usual Saturday morning yar...
20 weeks 13 Jun 2012 | 03:17 am
How far along: 20 weeks(as of June 13th) Weight gain: 6 lbs. Clothes: Tunic or short dress with leggings. I can't do maternity jeans anymore even with full panel, they all make me uncomfortable afte...
17 Weeks 24 May 2012 | 02:40 am
How far along: 17 weeks Weight gain: Lost track of it...roughly guessing 3lbs? I will know the accurate number after my regular visit end of this week. Purchases: NB-9M Boy clothes!Awww~ so adorabl....