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Dixie Summer 2013 Hoof Post 19 Aug 2013 | 10:41 pm
I've been really working hard (or at least working often) on Dixie's feet and they look amazing. Here's some before pics, from the end of April. Too much toe, too much heel, too much everything. An...
Equine infrastructure improvements 19 Aug 2013 | 10:18 pm
This one's just a little roundup of Stuff I've Had Done to make endurance easier, in a general sense. So when we went to Sunriver, I stopped for gas (in Weed, CA, and if you think they're not capital...
TRR wrapup 14 Aug 2013 | 09:54 pm
I guess I'll start with (new) gear. Liz made me some new reins! They're old climbing rope, cause she's a badass rock climber, and they're super extra long so I can (theoretically) tail with them. T...
2013 Tahoe Rim Ride 50 12 Aug 2013 | 11:47 pm
I just don't know if I have enough words to describe this one. So Friday I headed to Lake Tahoe. I meandered along, meeting Mel for lunch and picking up Lucy and Roo in the foothills, and we made ou...
2013 Tevis Crew Story 22 Jul 2013 | 11:28 pm
My fourth Tevis Experience is in the bag! This was my first time Officially Crewing for someone - in previous years I've volunteered with the webcast and just pitched in to crew with my friends unoff...
2013 Renegade Rendezvous: volunteer story 2 Jul 2013 | 10:24 pm
Renegade Rendezvous Volunteer Story or What I Did On My Summer Vacation by Funder So a couple months ago I was talking to Aarene and she was like "come to Renegade! It'll be fun!" I thought it ....
Lizster (now with bonus Divster!) 25 Jun 2013 | 02:28 am
Haven't seen this one in a couple of years, but it's Liebster going around again :) Liz tagged me in it, but as a senior citizen of the blog world (I started this thing in '08 which makes it seven tho...
Sunriver analysis 19 Jun 2013 | 05:48 am
:taps mic: Hi, yall. The Sunriver ride story got a lot more hits than usual, and I hope my NW visitors don't think I'm hatin' on their region. But I don't want my blog to sound like a paid advertise...
2013 Sunriver 100: Babes in the woods 17 Jun 2013 | 08:31 pm
This is long even for me. tl;dr: Another RO, no lameness or metabolic problems, horse looked very good at 80 miles. I'd heard from several people that Sunriver was a good first hundred-mile ride: ...
Continuing Ed 6 Jun 2013 | 08:24 pm
Yesterday Dixie and I went down to San Jose and took a Centered Riding lesson with Becky Hart. Becky Hart is a name I've known for a long time. She's one of the top ten US endurance riders, and one ...