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Sina Weibo's Game Plan 18 Jul 2011 | 09:45 pm
There’s more than enough forms of social media to keep us amused – but there is one particular micro-blog that I personally think is revolutionary. Sina Weibo is a micro blog invented in China simila...
The Battle is On: Google vs. Facebook 7 Jul 2011 | 10:09 pm
Facebook just recently announced its new video chat application that allows users to talk to friends face to face. This new application is powered by Skype, where CEO Tony Bates described it as a “mi...
城市一定会恢复过来! 12 Mar 2011 | 04:30 am
Sociable Chinese New Year red packets 13 Jan 2011 | 10:17 pm
Make the most out of Chinese New Year Red packets for social media attention this Rabbit year. I don't upload photos of banal red packets onto facebook because its hard to get people to comment on the...
誰的老母性感很多人call 3 Jan 2011 | 06:55 pm
謝金燕《嗶嗶嗶》是Viral Marketing? 念唔明點解呢首歌不過"誰的老母性感很多人call"這一句還是令人聯想無限, 即使改成"誰的媽媽性感很多人call"還是令人很囧,會紅成咁? 該MV在上傳到youtube後,一個多月之內便已突破150萬點擊次數,正式超越原本謝金燕點擊次數最高的成名曲〈練舞功〉,同時打響了謝金燕在港澳的知名度。說真的 要她真時尚的確有點距離,還倒不如當個真台妹...
Top 10 Hong Kong Government policies of 2010 29 Dec 2010 | 01:21 am
Whilst we know that the left leaning Wen Wei Po acts as a mouthpiece for the Hong Kong Government, I couldn't resist having a stab at analysing the media angle in their headlines for the top ten Gover...
Mark Zuckerberg is Facebook 24 Dec 2010 | 08:22 am
Breathe, Eat, Drink, Sleep, go to the bathroom, go on facebook: about 2.5 billion people do these things everyday. One activity might seem peculiar. 5 billion people all user facebook and 2.5 billion ...
How to start an e-commerce business in China 24 Dec 2010 | 08:10 am
PricewaterhouseCopper published a report this Monday that read: Its time for Asian retailers to go online and sell through e-commerce. In China, online shopping is skyrocketing. About one-third of Chi...
redmr 卡拉ok 23 Dec 2010 | 03:02 pm
最近新開的redmr 卡拉ok 引起了不少回響,表面上賣點是與microsoft 合作的高科技房間及有四大的歌曲提供,但反思下發覺除了媒體對其感興趣外,連一般大眾也對這個新場有所期望。歸根究底,是newway之前種的惡果,在收購加洲紅後於市場獨大,服務下降,歌曲不足,收費高昂,在香港人仇富心態下,redmr出現嚴如挑戰巨人的歌利亞,反專制的民主女神一樣,誠然行內人都知道這是一種公關手段,但不得不佩...
Jiepang Hong Kong Marketing Tips 15 Dec 2010 | 05:15 pm
Random fact: HTC phones are pre-installed with Jiepang. When you go to 3 Telecom to buy phones they will be pre-installed with Jiepang app. Interesting fact:Jiepang has their own version of facebook ...