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Powered By Stripes 7 Feb 2008 | 04:02 am
Mark Page has created some wonderful Stripes logos. Check them out here and here are a couple of examples:
Stripes 1.5 Beta Available For Download 7 Feb 2008 | 03:52 am
I just copied this straight from the mailing list announcement. Stripes 1.5 beta 1 is available for download: Some of the major enhancem...
Stripes 1.5 Feature: General Improvements 1 Feb 2008 | 07:50 am
My last two Stripes articles covered Clean URLs and @StrictBinding. Today I am going a bit more general and discussing several of the smaller improvements. Disclaimer - We know that other web framewo...
Stripes 1.5 Feature: Control Binding with @StrictBinding 31 Jan 2008 | 09:44 am
If you missed yesterday's article on Clean URLs you can find it here. Today I want to talk about how we can control what values get bound in an Action Bean when we submit a form. And once again; Disc...
Stripes 1.5 Feature: Clean URLs 30 Jan 2008 | 05:09 am
So I promised a list of some new features coming in Stripes 1.5. Since several of them require some explanation to really get the point across I decided to do a daily article about each of the major f...
Stripes (1.5) Updates Are Coming... 20 Dec 2007 | 06:55 am
There's been a lot going on with Stripes lately. A lot of users have been asking when 1.5 is due out. I don't believe there is a set date yet but I do know that something is coming quickly. There's a ...
Stripes TypeConverters: Populating Domain Objects 17 Nov 2007 | 09:32 am
Most web frameworks today have type converters. Type converters are chunks of code that takes query parameters as Strings and convert them into their appropriate data type. So numbers become Integers,...
Spring's DAO Support..Other choices? 16 Nov 2007 | 04:52 am
I've gotten really spoiled to Spring's DAO support classes, Transaction management, etc. But as any good developer should I begin to wonder what alternatives are out there? Do java developers have ano...
Stripes Interceptor Tutorial 13 Nov 2007 | 05:23 pm
Note: I still can't get code to display very well on blogger. Sorry for the formatting issues. If you need to the source code is linked at the bottom of this article if it makes it easier to follow al...
JavaRebel: Interesting but still iffy 16 Oct 2007 | 03:54 pm
I tried JavaRebel today and for the most part it does what it says. It was really cool to see a single class updated in Tomcat without Tomcat reloading the application. However, there were a couple of...