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Weekly environmental news, Aug 25-31 2 Sep 2006 | 12:22 pm
California agrees on global warming bill Rich nations' greenhouse gases up, despite Kyoto Ice Age gives clues to global warming World Bank logs largest ever greenhouse gas deal Dam broken to restore C...
Why You Should Keep Elastic Bands 31 Aug 2006 | 09:06 am
That elastic band that comes with your morning paper, wrapped around your vegetables, or with a bouquet of flowers can be reused in your kitchen. After opening a snack bag, such as potato chips, sunfl...
Why You Should Keep Eggshells 29 Aug 2006 | 11:19 am
After you've done some baking, and you're cleaning up, remember to keep your eggshells, because they can be useful in your garden. You can crush them up (putting them in a bag first works well) and th...
Weekly environmental news, Aug 18-24 26 Aug 2006 | 12:30 pm
Experts call for change in global water management [AFP] Ozone layer on the mend but recovery delayed [Reuters] U.S. wind energy on the rise [Business Week] Food, biofuels could worsen water shortages...
Why You Should Keep Plastic Bags 24 Aug 2006 | 12:27 pm
Plastic bags that you get from the grocery store or the drug store can be kept and reused instead of thrown out. They have many possible uses that make them handy to have around. From doggy bags to lu...
Why You Should Keep Toothbrushes 22 Aug 2006 | 12:33 pm
Old toothbrushes are great for cleaning those hard-to-reach places in your bathroom and kitchen. So, the next time you wear one out, just put it under your sink for future use as a scrubber. For some ...
Weekly environmental news, Aug 11-17 19 Aug 2006 | 12:33 pm
Greenland ice cap may be melting at triple speed [New Scientist] Rich countries, like poor, face water crisis: WWF [Reuters] Necessity mother of invention in gas-fuelled Armenia [Reuters] Global warmi...
Why You Should Keep Hockey Sticks 17 Aug 2006 | 08:50 am
Once a hockey stick has been grown out of, broken, or just isn't going to be used for hockey anymore, it can be used in the garden as a guiding pole for vines and other climbing plants. Some plants ne...
Why You Should Keep Sticky Notes 15 Aug 2006 | 12:45 pm
It’s often tricky to get the dust out from between the keys of your computer’s keyboard, so try reusing sticky notes. If the note is full of writing and is no longer of any use to you, you should hang...
Weekly environmental news, Aug 4-10 12 Aug 2006 | 01:03 pm
Swiss mountain crumbles under hot climate [Reuters] Questions about Lights Out Hong Kong [AFP] China to let tourists hunt endangered species [Reuters] Tsunami boosts illegal Indonesia logging [AP] Aci...