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Hantu Arwah Gentayangan 29 Dec 2008 | 03:02 am
i dont really believe with this ghost picture, i can't determine which is the ghost. if we watch at the left side of the picture we can found some thing strange which appear and looked like a pocong g...
Penampakan Hantu Wewe Di Sekolah Serem Banget 29 Dec 2008 | 02:58 am
i was really impressed by this ghost picture, when the first time i watch this ghost picture i remember one of the most scary movie. it is the ring ghost. do you still remember with the ring ghost? ye...
Asap Yang Mirip Hantu Kuntilanak 28 Dec 2008 | 10:06 pm
This is one another kuntilanak ghost which i write on this blog. as we know that kuntilanak ghost is the ost wanted ghost to view. i know it from te information that i got from the shutbox that there ...
Penampakan Hantu Kuntilanak Di Sebuah Lorong 28 Dec 2008 | 09:54 pm
This is one another kuntilanak ghost after so long time i stop to write on this blog. look at the ghost picture that seems like a real ghost picture is not it? but how can this ghost be? it is really ...
Hidup Bersama Dengan Hantu Jenglot 9 Oct 2008 | 10:02 pm
This is what paranormal investigation group Seekers are determined to establish after bringing the now-famous ‘jenglot’ back to their Ampang headquarters for observation last Friday. Indonesian supern...
Penelitian Tentang Hantu Jenglot 9 Oct 2008 | 09:55 pm
A jenglot is a vampire-like creature resembling a small human with long hair. It is being shown at several museums, including the ongoing Pameran Misteri, Jin, Hantu dan Keranda at Sultan Alam Shah Mu...
Jenglot Monster Kecil Yang Misterius 9 Oct 2008 | 09:45 pm
Have you ever watch and touch the jenglot puppet? do you like this scary puppet? yes of course. this is a mythical puppet which is known as the place where tuyul ghost will alife. this jenglot puppet ...
Foto Hantu Jenglot 9 Oct 2008 | 09:28 pm
Do you know about jenglot ghost? the picture above is the picture of jenglot which i was taken from one of indonesian site which talking about this jenglot. the university student from jakarta and som...
Batu Mustika Merah Delima 25 Sep 2008 | 04:15 pm
Have you ever know at "pemburu hantu" or another mystical program at television? some time we find some think which is called "Pusaka alam gaib". here today i would like to talk about "mustika merah d...
Hantu Kuntilanak, Hantu Wewe dan Hantu Arwah 25 May 2008 | 06:49 pm
One more kintilanak picture in a room. I don’t know the possibility of the real kuntilanak ghost in this room, because this kuntilanak ghost are seems to be too real before claimed as the real kuntila...