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Running the asylum the inmates are 20 Jul 2010 | 08:03 pm
Fast broadband is a very important tool for the development of rural economies. So our Scottish Parliament member John Lamont asks a perfectly reasonable question of the Scottish Executive at Holyrood...
BA Cabin Crew 11 May 2010 | 09:42 pm
I've been so busy writing that the blog has not just taken a back seat, it's practically fallen off the bus. Nevertheless, a friend just sent me this. It is brilliant. . .
MSP's on Chav Watch 10 Mar 2010 | 07:45 pm
SNP MSP Jamie Hepburn has tabled a Holyrood motion claiming that Venezuela has been "transformed" by President Hugo Chávez. His motion calls on MSPs to show "solidarity" with Mr Chavez's government an...
The Scotsman's Irrelevant 8 Mar 2010 | 08:44 pm
Interestingly the circulation of the Scotsman was 46, 976 between July and December last year. That's less than 1 in 100 Scots who are buying the paper. They manage to get their readership figures up ...
The Scotsman is no longer a newspaper 8 Mar 2010 | 08:37 pm
The Scotsman is no longer worthy of being called a newspaper. It seems to have degenerated into somethingfar less useful. The case of Steven Purcell, the Glasgow council leader, one of the most import...
Yeah Right! 7 Mar 2010 | 02:09 am
No 10 also fiercely denied Conservative claims Mr Brown was using the visit to troops in Afghanistan to divert attention away from the row over his refusal to sign off on equipment.
Is the moment when Labour lost the election? 6 Mar 2010 | 11:40 pm
“Every request that the military commanders made to us for equipment was answered. No request was ever turned down.” Gordon Brown, 5 March 2010, Chilcot Enquiry
The Last Days of Rome? 26 Feb 2010 | 08:34 am
I'm obviously missing something here. RBS are paying bonuses worth £1.3 billion to its employees. The Chief Executive of RBS meanwhile is saying, they have lost money because they are not paying big ...
A Fairer Britain or The Forces of Hell? 24 Feb 2010 | 09:54 am
Good! So that's alright then. We now all know that Mr Brown is not a bully. He's just someone who cares and is determined to build a fairer Britain. In the meantime Mr Darling, arguably the next most...
The Monaco Foody 22 Feb 2010 | 02:18 am
There are few people in this world who like eating, cooking, talking about food, writing about it (with great passion) and generally waxing lyrical than The Monaco Foody. Mrs H says I live to eat. If ...