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I've Moved! 30 Mar 2010 | 04:20 pm
Due to Google being incredibly non-user friendly and filled with technical bugs, I have moved locations to my own website. I have compiled all the articles from this site, as well as my articles from ...
On the Process of Detigerfication 22 Oct 2008 | 05:39 pm
I would like to take a departure from my usual discussion of military issues and discuss the matter of preventing a return to war when the current conflict ends. This task is of critical importance to...
Racing Against the Clock: The LTTE’s Logistical Gamble 12 Sep 2008 | 03:21 pm
By making no serious attempt to retain the Wanni’s Western coastline in Mannar District until Nachchikuda, which has effectively crippled even minor arms shipments into rebel territory, the LTTE is ga...
Decisive Military Action for Long Term Benefit: The March on Vellankulam 17 Aug 2008 | 05:46 pm
The Union's Anaconda Plan would be executed far differently than its designer, General Winfield Scott, had planned. However, the strategy did ultimately choke the life out of the South by denying her ...
Jaffna and Fredericksburg: Part Two 22 May 2008 | 04:56 pm
The repeated failed offensives on the Jaffna Front are perhaps the clearest proof that the Sri Lankan military requires a new path to victory. Sri Lanka requires a multi-phased change in strategy if t...
Jaffna and Fredericksburg: Part One 12 May 2008 | 03:43 pm
The Sri Lankan Army took a heavy beating on April 23rd, in the latest of a series of thwarted assaults on the LTTE defenses on the Jaffna Peninsula. Casualties have been difficult to pin down on eithe...
Repititions of History, the American and Sri Lankan Civil Wars 19 Apr 2008 | 11:45 am
It is a difficult thing to see the suffering of war, even if it does not compare to the hardships of those actually living through it. What’s worse though is knowing how peace can be restored and seei...
Sibley's Brigade in the Red River Campaign, Part One: Overview of the Campaign 14 Mar 2008 | 05:49 pm
In the final months of the American Civil War, Federal troops launched an ambitious campaign to take control of the Red River, capture the Confederate Army's Trans-Mississippi Department's headquarter...
The Logic of Attrition Warfare in the Sri Lankan Civil War 10 Mar 2008 | 03:39 pm
The Sri Lankan public's unwillingness to back a large scale engagement on account of the heavier losses any such battle is expected to result in greatly hampers their military's capacity to defeat the...
Breaking through Minefields in the Sri Lankan Civil War 10 Mar 2008 | 09:04 am
The Sri Lankan Civil War has been raging for decades with tens of thousands of people killed on each side. Ethnic Tamil separatists have been fighting for a racially exclusive country in the North and...