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Trade Team Update 22 Oct 2008 | 12:03 pm
Two words can be used to describe today's market action... ill-liquidity and risk. While it seemed many traders were scratching their heads to figure out what the problem was today, we're basically ju...
Trade Team Update 21 Oct 2008 | 12:20 pm
The only word I can use to describe today's market activity is weird... maybe it's just me but nothing really made a whole of sense today... oil is up, gold is mostly stable, global equities rallied, ...
EUR/USD Weekly Outlook 10/19 thru 10/24 2008 20 Oct 2008 | 11:20 am
Guess what? This weekend I did something I almost never do. I was stuck at home with a bad cold and as I was going stir crazy I decided to do some research to see how other analysts, gurus, and trader...
Trade Team Update 17 Oct 2008 | 11:09 am
I'm not sure how great today's update will turn out... I got hit with a nasty cold early this morning and have not been very active in the market today, but there's a few key issues I want to cover......
Trade Team Update 16 Oct 2008 | 11:54 am
Yet again we have another day of brutal US economic and financial data, panic on Wall St., and somehow the dollar comes out smelling like a rose. While it doesn't come as a surprise it's certainly fru...
Trade Team Update 14 Oct 2008 | 11:20 am
As Sarah Palin would say, I'm feeling pretty dog-gone, gee-golly, aw-shucks good today... not because the global financial crisis is fixed and not because Jessica Biel returned my phone call... in my ...
EUR/USD Weekly Outlook 10/12 thur 10/17 2008 13 Oct 2008 | 11:44 am
Once again we start the week with more questions than answers, more unknowns, more speculation, and more save-the-world rhetoric from the world’s top central bankers, finance ministers and politicians...
Trade Team Update 10 Oct 2008 | 11:34 am
Here's a fun dose of irony... exactly one year ago the Dow and S&P hit all-time highs and today I think we can officially declare Wall St. crashed... what does this have to do with the EUR/USD? A lot....
Trade Team Update 9 Oct 2008 | 11:41 am
This is a very rare thing, but I'm mostly at a loss for words... obviously the big news is the nuclear bomb the central banks of the world dropped on the markets this morning... this move is certainly...
EUR/USD Weekly Outlook 10/5 thru 10/10 2008 6 Oct 2008 | 09:38 am
Financial booms and financial busts are nothing new to United States. The financial crisis of 2008 in many ways is just a repeat performance of the first great economic depression that started in 1837...