Blogspot - - Hunza landslide monitoring

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Data supply issues 3 Jul 2010 | 10:50 pm

At the moment I am not receiving data that can be posted on this site.  Therefore, I am not updating the information, but I am continuing to provide analysis and commentary on the main site.  Please t...

Attabad - situation report (Updated 26th June 2010) 10 Jun 2010 | 06:34 pm

Commentary and analysis accompanying this data is provided on Dave's Landslide Blog. Situation as per 25th June: Lake depth: 116.7 metres Change in lake depth in last 24 hours: +0.13 metres (negative...

Slowing evolution of the spillway at Attabad 9 Jun 2010 | 07:00 pm

Once again I am grateful for Focus Humanitarian Assistance for sending the latest photos of the spillway at Attabad.  The rate of change new seems to be slowing as flow is being controlled by the larg...

Latest image of the spillway at Attabad 8 Jun 2010 | 08:37 am

The wonderful people at Focus have provided an image of the state of the spillway at Attabad that is very instructive.  This was taken today: The current state of play is I think as follows.  Flow ap...

Attabad - an increasingly difficult hazard to manage 7 Jun 2010 | 06:09 pm

Apologies to all who emailed and left messages over the weekend requesting updates. FWO data collected at 8 am on Saturday suggests that the rate of flow was 124.6 cumecs, whilst the Pamir Times rep....

Attabad: spillway flow update of 08:30 this morning 5 Jun 2010 | 03:36 am

There is a mass of confusing and contradictory information about the state of flow in the Attabad spillway, but the FWO data appears to be consistent at the moment.  The latest data, again via Dr Sadi...

Photos of the development of the situation at Attabad 4 Jun 2010 | 09:17 pm

Focus have kindly provided a new set of images of the situation at Attabad with respect to the spillway.  I think that these images were taken yesterday. Most importantly, here is an overview image o...

Attabad: a different set of discharge data 4 Jun 2010 | 07:11 pm

Thanks to Aftab Sadiq of the School if Civil and Environmental Engineering at NUST for passing on a revised set of spillway discharge data.  This set was collected by the FWO.  It is almost identical ...

Attabad appears to have shifted to the next stage 3 Jun 2010 | 11:42 pm

In brief, the discharge at Attabad appears to have dramatically increased in the last few hours, as the graph below shows: I am trying to find out more information, but it appears to have shifted to ...

Attabad - so why hasn't it breached yet? 3 Jun 2010 | 08:28 am

Several people have emailed to ask why the lake has yet to breach.  Well, I would like to emphasise two things - first, that every landslide is different, so predicting the behaviour of any particular...

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monitoring, hunza, hunza lake, hunza news, landslide blog, "separated the village", monitoring bux, attabad -pakistan

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