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TRAVEL: My Goodness, BATANES!!! (Part I) 21 Jul 2011 | 01:08 pm
I am one very lucky girl. I may not be rich in the traditional sense of the word but God (has) most certainly blessed me in many other ways. I don’t drive around in fancy cars or fly business class, ...
I Am 32 Flavors...and then some. 20 Jul 2011 | 01:01 pm
So here’s the deal. I have tried to delay it for as long as I could but with less than 24 hours left, I’m better off embracing the inevitable. At the stroke of midnight on the 21st, I would have offi...
Thoughts On (hopefully) Running on On-Running 19 Jul 2011 | 04:33 pm
When it comes to running and nearly everything fitness-related, I have to give loads of credit to a certain friend of mine for getting me started - and pretty much hooked - on it. Though the 'hooked' ...
Total Fitness: STOP STRESSING AND BE HAPPIER! 15 Jul 2011 | 01:01 pm
Being entrenched deep in the urban jungle where life takes on an almost pistop feel, one cannot help but feel pressure coming at him from many different angles – family, work, relationships. When t...
Total Fitness: The BREAK-UP Guide 14 Jul 2011 | 01:39 pm
NOTE: Published in this month’s issue of TOTAL FITNESS magazine. Grab a copy TODAY! *** Who made the rule that you have to be friends with your Ex? No, seriously, how can two people who, at one poin...
Race Event: Team REEBOK ZigTech Run 7 Jul 2011 | 04:51 pm
So, how does your August race calendar look like? Interested in testing out a new race route? If you haven’t got anything special planned on the 6th day of August (Saturday), I suggest you declare i...
The Valley of (Sudden) Death: A DNFer’s Tale 29 Jun 2011 | 09:23 pm
After reading my partner in (ultra) crime Dennis the Runningpinoy’s very graphic account of what transpired last Saturday at the first-ever frontRUNNER Valley Trail Challenge held at Nuvali in Sta. Ro...
CURVES: Circuit Workout for Women, by Women 23 Jun 2011 | 09:56 pm
So finally today, I was able to check out CURVES in Serendra and boy was I pleasantly surprised! When Reebokteammate Kassy Pajarillo first told me about Curves, I thought it was an interesting workout...
SURFING: Another Item X-marked On My Bucket List 17 Jun 2011 | 05:49 pm
‘Whatever’s bound to happen is already happening…’ or something to that effect. Thus says my on-again, off-again friend earlier today, probably in reference to the latest thing I jumped right into ove...
TRAVEL: Egypt and the Great Pyramids of Giza 9 Jun 2011 | 09:50 pm
After the eventful trip to Jordan in November 2010 where I met a lot of interesting people; followed by a wondrous,never-to-be-forgotten side trip to PETRA where I felt for certain that I am destined ...