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A Generation's Heart Torn Out 25 Jan 2008 | 06:37 pm
I torment The Youth of Today with my old-ass music and observe that it's Not Good when our youngest and brightest are struggling like this. This is not what a country with a future looks like.
Which Americans? Which Feminists? Which Women? 24 Jan 2008 | 11:48 pm
I had to sit around thinking about this post for awhile because I knew I was not getting something. I'm a slow learner, but I've learned this much: I've learned not to draw from that itchy, uncomfort...
Sacramento Doesn't Get Many Love Letters 23 Jan 2008 | 07:12 am
So I'm linking this one. Sacramento is the city my family moved to from New Jersey when I was just out of kindergarten and I am childishly pleased to see someone appreciate it. Angelenos can call Sacr...
I'm Getting a Cold and You're Getting a Link Roundup 20 Jan 2008 | 07:23 am
Damn it, I was just applying my frustrated maternal instincts to worrying about Nezua's health, and now I've got to worry about my own. Don't tell me you can't catch colds over the internet! I knew so...
Google Can Stop Casting my Age up to me Any Time Now 19 Jan 2008 | 09:43 am
Search term: "lionel ritchie song i had a dream i had an awful dream." No, no, no! AweSOME. He had an AWESOME dream. I had to hear about that awesome dream at least 50 million times as a teenager, vi...
Heroes: Not on the Fence 18 Jan 2008 | 11:57 am
I love you, Eloisa Tamez: Tamez owns three acres of land along the Texas-Mexico border where the Department of Homeland Security would like to build a border fence. The property is a remnant of a 12,...
Remember: It Is Better to Look Good Than to Feel Good 17 Jan 2008 | 10:10 am
Whole thing, read, right now, you know the drill. But I'm not kidding: From a feminist point of view, I think that most women can fake it pretty well. I know exactly ONE person (and I’m not married t...
Huh 13 Jan 2008 | 10:39 pm
This old post is still getting hits. And it's getting a particular kind of hit: Google searches on the phrase "feminized men." Mind you, when I say "Google" I don't necessarily mean A lot...
Inspiration Week: CLICK 12 Jan 2008 | 05:04 am
I got it! I got it, I got it, I got it! I've gotten it before and then forgotten it. Gotten it and then talked myself out of believing it. Gotten it and then puffed myself up in vanity for being so ...
I interrupt Inspiration Week to say a few things: First, some folks need a history review. Second, I refuse to draw conclusions about "what I can expect a male candidate for President to do for wome...