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Extra Special Prom Dress 2 Jul 2012 | 01:51 am
LOVE it when I get some pics back. I was not even sure this dress was going to get worn to a prom at all. This beautiful girl is the daughter of a friend of a friend. I was approached about making ....
LONDON xx 28 Jun 2012 | 08:32 pm
I am not going to post too much about this, as I am sure most people who want to hear about the Jubilee, have already watched and read enough. But, I was in London at the same time as it all. I have...
Prom Time 27 Jun 2012 | 04:11 am
Well, bit like buses, you don't hear from me for ages , then two come along !!! . I have been being a Mum and visiting family. Managed to do both at the same time. It is my Sons prom this year an....
Upcycled Wedding Dress 26 Jun 2012 | 05:09 am
I don't know where the time has gone !!!! I have not blogged for so long. I have been working, being a Mum, taking trips to visit family, trying to sort out my son with a college and generally just ....
Butterick 4657 4 May 2012 | 09:04 am
(reference previous post ) I found a picture of the original dress I made, unfortunately I am rather annoyed that I did not taken one when she had it on. It looked absolutely stunning on her with he...
Wedding Fayre 2 May 2012 | 08:58 pm
Uploaded some photos of the dresses , jacket and bag I took to the wedding fayre. I made this dress before , in a pale peach chiffon and really liked the style of it, so I decided to do my own take o...
Oooh, Wedding Fayre Cakes 1 May 2012 | 07:43 am
I have been to another Wedding Fayre. This time it was at the lovely Leigh Park Hotel, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. The weather was absolutely horrendous on the day, but luckily it meant that the tur...
Wedding Fayre 6 Mar 2012 | 04:55 am
On Sunday I went to a wedding fayre, as an exhibitor. I have not done one for ages . It was at the newly refurbished Civic Hall, Trowbridge. And what a transformation it has had , its lovely. Ther....
Finally Photographed !! 12 Feb 2012 | 07:15 am
Well, I finished this jacket the other day and got around to photos eventually !!! I have still been trying to get better at them, which is why it has taken a while to do them . I seem to be gettin....
Eat, Love, Pray - Elizabeth Gilbert 2 Feb 2012 | 04:21 am
Well, not normally something I write about on my blog, as I tend to keep to my sewing subject. But I really had to share this book that I have just read. I haven't read a book in quite a while, even...