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When A Hard Drive Goes Between 14 Jan 2009 | 03:36 pm
Any Anne McCaffery fans out there will know exactly what that means. It happened a few days ago, completely without warning. It didn't even have the courtesy to leave me a note explaining why it was ...
Yule Greetings 21 Dec 2008 | 02:32 am
The warrior knights of Scathach are celebrating the winter solstice this night. One of the traditions is to give a "gift" to each person we meet, in the form of a wish for them. Because I meet so fe...
Happy Birthday, Spider! 25 Nov 2008 | 01:56 pm
For someone who just turned sixty, you don't get to lookin' much older, and your Lady sure don't age at all! It was a great party -- lotsa good people, lots good food, lotsa good music (and ain't it ...
Knighthood 12 Nov 2008 | 01:10 pm
I has one. The investiture was Sunday night. Dubbed with a sword and everything. "Sir Chimera." It'll take a bit of getting used to...
Too Close Not To Recount 7 Nov 2008 | 12:30 pm
Whew! When Al Franken said he was gonna jump into the senatorial race for Minnesota, I bet a lot of people thought he was just taking his dog out for a walk to pee on Coleman's lawn. Apparently not. ...
I Have A Proposition For You... 7 Nov 2008 | 12:04 pm
California Proposition 8 (and there were others, but this was the one I was keeping an eye on) -- putting a ban on gay marriages -- managed to pass only by a margin of about 52 to 48, although "civil ...
President Obama 4 Nov 2008 | 03:28 pm
Jus' practising. Champers on ice. Noisemakers ready. Fingers crossed.
One Of The Finest Speeches Ever Made 29 Oct 2008 | 07:57 am
And it was written for a movie character, dammit! I was watching it again last night (a few more times and I'll be able to quote the script in its entirety), and when Andy Shephard got in front of tha...
Who Said That? 27 Oct 2008 | 08:53 am
Every person must act according to what he thinks is right, regardless of the source of those values. Asking people to give up on what they think is true is asking them to live in an Orwellian world w...
A Gold Medal Is Just A Phone Call Away 26 Oct 2008 | 10:41 am
I'd be a lot more inclined to support the Olympics if they included sports like this. And no, unless you work as a talent scout for Hefner or Flynt, it's not work safe. (H/T to my ukelele-playing bu...