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Sources: West Tells Opposition that Syria Strike Coming in Days 27 Aug 2013 | 07:59 pm
by Reuters, Michael Wilner "The opposition was told in clear terms that action to deter further use of chemical weapons by Assad regime could come as early as next few days," sources who attend meeti...
Israel Readies Homefront for Possible Syrian Attack 27 Aug 2013 | 06:22 pm
by Gideon Allon, Hili Yacobi, Daniel Siryoti, Yael Branovsky, Nitzi Yaakov and Israel Hayom Staff Patriot anti-missile batteries in Haifa put on alert • Netanyahu convenes security cabinet • IDF anno...
Destroying Islam's Holiest Shrine for Assad? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:20 am
by Irfan Al-Alawi They treat Mecca as if it were comparable to Las Vegas or the London City Financial Centre, rather than a focus of faith. In mid-August, the Muslim world was shocked when Fayez Shu...
IRGC Claims Iran Can Hack Enemy's Advanced Weapons Systems 27 Aug 2013 | 05:19 am
by Y. Mansharof Introduction The Iranian regime views the cyber arena as an active warzone with the U.S. and its allies, and in recent years has invested substantial efforts in it, for both psycholo...
Concealing Racist Black Violence 27 Aug 2013 | 05:19 am
by Colin Flaherty Black mob violence is now so frequent and intense that even big city editors can’t keep it out of the news anymore. The latest high-profile story, now familiar to many, is the rec...
Egypt: Obama’s 1979 Iran 27 Aug 2013 | 05:17 am
by Majid Rafizadeh Since the clashes between the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s security forces broke out early last week, the Western liberal media, Obama administration, and other Western political...
Obama’s Vanishing Deterrent 27 Aug 2013 | 05:16 am
by Frank Gaffney Barack Obama appears at this writing to be poised to embroil the United States in a new war in Syria in response to the recent, murderous use of chemical weapons there. Ill-advised ...
'Impoverished' Gaza feels Pinch of fewer Mercedes-Benz Sales 27 Aug 2013 | 05:16 am
by Leo Rennert Hamas-ruled Gaza is feeling the ripple effects of the ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the decimation of the Muslim Brotherhood. The new military ruling regime accuses H...
Remember Bashar the Reformer? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:14 am
by Michael Rubin Bashar al-Assad is in the running for the most dangerous man in the world. There are not too many world leaders who would acquire such reserves of chemical weapons and then seek to u...
Australian Islamic Cleric Incites Violence 27 Aug 2013 | 05:14 am
by IPT News An online video of an Australian Islamic cleric calling for Hindus and Buddhists to be killed is under investigation by South Australian police. "The YouTube clip is an edited version of...