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OLYMPIAN CHESS 14 Jul 2011 | 08:27 am
(screen capture from the film "Jason And The Argonauts") A whale is swimming In the wine glass On the chessboard. Zeus takes a sip, Puts the glass back. The whale, startled, Thrashes its tail, Spurts...
ABOUT THE ANGELS 8 Jun 2011 | 04:56 pm
(Photo: Engel auf dem Friedhot, Sandramat, Oct. 2006, GNU Free Documentation License) ABOUT THE ANGELS Long ago, Before the New Age vogue for them, I heard a bearded poet In a battered leather jacke...
RONEE BLAKLEY 30 Mar 2011 | 09:31 am
Her voice is low and warm and resonant. She birthed her first songs during her wild youth. She had a knack for showing the whole truth, The edge of which is all timid souls want. America first saw he...
…AND SOMETIMES Y 30 Jan 2011 | 11:07 am
I am the first letter In the Holy Hebrew Secret name of God. In that ancient language, I look like A tongue of flame – The kind that hovers Over someone’s head Sometimes in paintings Of the people ...
WINTER INSIGHT 23 Jan 2011 | 08:07 am
A fly on the lip of the glass, A drink that the room has turned cold; There’s some contradiction in this. This season indoors breaks the mold. You take an intoxicant sip Of brew grown belatedly stron...
A BALMY NIGHT IN WINTER 11 Dec 2010 | 05:48 pm
Warning: this story uses crude language, discusses private body parts, and is likely to upset prudes and the humor-impaired. *** I had an adventure last night. You might not think the bathroom is a ...
AT LAND 17 Nov 2010 | 07:57 am
(Maya Deren) AT LAND The 1944 film by Maya Deren The title Is a gag, of course. When someone says That he’s “at sea,” He means that he’s Not in his element. What if you were of sea, but At land? W...
DEMOCRACY HANGOVER 5 Nov 2010 | 07:47 am
(PD photo from Wikimedia Commons) Well, one more election Didn’t go the way I wanted. A friend posts, “Well, I voted. That did a lot of good.” I get the sarcasm, But I’m still glad I voted; spared ...
ONE WORD, MANY TEETH 28 Oct 2010 | 08:51 am
(18th century engraving) “Run.” He felt himself Losing control, and told me to, Before the change Took hold of him – With rage, The moon did not need To be full. For he was full – Full of betrayal, F...
THE RATIONALE 22 Oct 2010 | 05:21 am
(PD photo from Wikimedia) Deliberate cruelty…is the one unforgivable thing. Blanche Dubois in Tennessee Williams’s “A Streetcar Named Desire” Some say that bullying is good for you – Toughens you t...