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We have your "Jacqui." We have been tracking her for several weeks but she refuses to write our chapters. Sure, she wrote character sketches for us and has written thousands, THOUSANDS of words for th...
I, robot 5 Oct 2010 | 03:52 am
We did it! Or, rather, you did it and I suffered the consequences (explanation here). YOU donated almost $1,000 to help kids learn to write at 826michigan. I ran the Big House Big Heart 5K dressed li...
My son loves pink, a rant 2 Oct 2010 | 02:36 am
Warning: extended, only remotely related to Banned Books Week rant below. Please find a more indicative sample of our regularly scheduled light-hearted silliness here. Dear World, Yes, my son loves ...
From the Jacqui's Room Office for Outer Space Affairs 1 Oct 2010 | 02:16 am
My Thursday News of the Absurd Will Someone Please Write This Book Inspirational Moment (TNoftheAWSPWTBIM) news this week turned out to be a hoax! I was disappointed to hear that, contrary to many me...
Tink, on Roald Dahl 29 Sep 2010 | 05:33 am
This week, Tink is reading George's Marvelous Medicine. It, like many Roald Dahl books, has been challenged from time to time by concerned parents. So I sat Tink down for a Jacqui Reads her Children B...
Jacqui Reads Her Children Books That Are SURE To RUIN Them FOREVER 28 Sep 2010 | 07:13 am
It's Banned Books Week! Two years ago, I celebrated with Jacqui Reads Her Children Books That Other People Think Are Bad For Them. Last year I read them Even More Books That Other People Think Are Ba...
Who is the author? 24 Sep 2010 | 03:52 am
Today's Thursday inspiration comes from Tink, who had this idea: "What if you didn't know who the author of the book was and the book was like a mystery where you had to find out?" I am fascinated b...
Vacansopapurosophobia 21 Sep 2010 | 04:17 am
Which means fear of the blank paper.* I don't have a fear of the blank page. I love a good blank page, a whole blank journal even. It's so full of potential. Imagine all the fantastic, beautiful, hil...
Help kids, humiliate Jacqui* 18 Sep 2010 | 06:26 am
Things Jacqui Has Been Doing Instead of Blogging, part 1 Here are two things I love: writing teaching And here is 826michigan, one of my favorite non-profits, which is dedicated entirely to teaching...
School has started... 15 Sep 2010 | 01:42 am
... and there is not a person in my house who isn't thrilled about it. Everyone started new schools and everyone is in love with the new places. Though yesterday Destructo was upset because: "We wer...