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kerja sebagai Marketing Pialang 14 Jan 2012 | 12:33 am
kerja sebagai Marketing Pialang Sekedar share info. para blogger pasti uda hafal dgn marketing, bahkan banyak iklan yang membutuhkan tenaga kerja marketing di harian umum ataupun via iklan elektroni...
Dreams and Fighting 31 Dec 2011 | 06:11 pm
Dreams and Fighting author: Andrie Wongso Narrated, in 1867, there lived a German-born engineer named John Augustus Roebling. He dreamed of building a bridge that connects New York City and Long Isl...
Kisah Ama dan Akong 31 Dec 2011 | 06:08 pm
Kisah Ama dan Akong Seorang kakek menyuapi istrinya (sang nenek) yang sedang sakit. Terlihat sangat menyentuh dan mungkin inilah salah satu saat paling romantis dalam hidup sepasang manusia. Apalah ...
Dreams and Fighting 31 Dec 2011 | 01:11 pm
Dreams and Fighting author: Andrie Wongso Narrated, in 1867, there lived a German-born engineer named John Augustus Roebling. He dreamed of building a bridge that connects New York City and Long Isl...
Kisah Ama dan Akong 31 Dec 2011 | 01:08 pm
Kisah Ama dan Akong Seorang kakek menyuapi istrinya (sang nenek) yang sedang sakit. Terlihat sangat menyentuh dan mungkin inilah salah satu saat paling romantis dalam hidup sepasang manusia. Apalah ...
The Road to Success 9 Oct 2011 | 03:26 pm
The Road to Success Writer: Suhardi there was a time, a man was walking in a place to search for treasure. Until finally, he arrived at a fork of three. Incidentally there are parents who were stand...
Change Action and Achieve Wonders 9 Oct 2011 | 03:12 pm
Change Action and Achieve Wonders Writer: Suhardi A man was waiting to be thrown off a plane in an airport lounge. Hose 30 minutes later, a voice that comes out of the speakers told the passengers t...
The Road to Success 9 Oct 2011 | 11:26 am
The Road to Success Writer: Suhardi there was a time, a man was walking in a place to search for treasure. Until finally, he arrived at a fork of three. Incidentally there are parents who were stand...
Change Action and Achieve Wonders 9 Oct 2011 | 11:12 am
Change Action and Achieve Wonders Writer: Suhardi A man was waiting to be thrown off a plane in an airport lounge. Hose 30 minutes later, a voice that comes out of the speakers told the passengers t...
Unconditional Love 1 Oct 2011 | 01:58 pm
Unconditional Love author: Andrie Wongso It is said, there is a large family. Their grandparents are married couples who seem harmonious and always in harmony with one another. One day, when gather....