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Wonderful Surprise 14 Oct 2009 | 02:30 am
Such busy weeks ahead for us! Everything is going very well. A is feeling very tired & struggling with rib & back pain. She gets B12 shots weekly right now as that was running low. She always feels so...
Changes Are Coming... 7 Oct 2009 | 01:54 am
Happy fall ya'll! As the leaves begin to change & fall arrives, our family is seeing some big changes as well! Very soon, as time allows, I will be revamping "Journey To Mia Lynn" as we have come to ...
A break from my blogging break... 21 Jul 2009 | 12:54 am
Life is busy, but good. Madison my niece has been here for the past three weeks. It has been great having her here! Not even wanting to think about her going home sooner than later! We have been on th...
Mother's Day 11 May 2009 | 01:01 am
Happy Mother's Day to all of us; those of you who are already blessed with your babies & especially to those of us still waiting to be Mommy! You are all in my thoughts & prayers today, even more than...
I interrupt this regularly scheduled blogging... 2 May 2009 | 11:52 pm
Okay, so maybe I didn't blog on a regular schedule, but I need a break. I am not going to say that I won't blog at all or that I won't occasionally drop in & check in on a few blogs that I tend to fol...
Pray for Mia 22 Apr 2009 | 11:22 am
I don't have much information, but just heard from Sara Lane that they are at the hospital with their little Mia. She is sick & I really don't know much more than that. As soon as I know anything more...
Happy Birthday "Emma Kate" 16 Apr 2009 | 11:07 pm
This time last year Thomas & I were anxiously waiting in a hotel room for the telephone to ring. We were waiting to hear that a sweet baby girl had been born that we were told was to be our blessing....
Update... 14 Apr 2009 | 08:42 am
Just a quick note... As most of you know I took a job in Sales & Marketing about six weeks ago. It has been going pretty well. This was a new adventure for me for sure. I knew very little about the jo...
Changing into a BUTTERFLY 5 Apr 2009 | 12:31 am
Really to be very honest with you all, though I have been keeping up with a few blogs & checking Rumor Queen now & then, I have just been busy enough between work & other things that blogging hasn't b...
Nadya Suleman & the fourteen children... 24 Feb 2009 | 04:13 pm
I posted this in another forum & just wanted to share my thoughts on the subject on my blog as well. Here is the thing~a person that is mentally unstable can not be held accountable for their actions...