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We're still here! 13 Oct 2007 | 12:59 am
YIKES! I think we almost lost our loyal following of Bloggers! I do apologize for letting so much time slip by. Honestly, it was incredibly difficult to leave our little Norah, and I fear my emotions ...
We're Getting Closer! 21 Sep 2007 | 11:02 pm
Hello all, our preliminary court hearing went very well. People who attend our hearing included; The Judge, Prosecutor, MD of the baby house, Olesya-our translator & coordinator, and the Administrator...
Hello Whispell's of Colorado!! 19 Sep 2007 | 11:55 pm
Hey Brett Sean! Cousin –how great to hear from you! What do you mean I’m “No Spring Chicken”-after all, you’re only 1 month younger then me!! Just remember, I’ve seen you in the bathtub! I’m glad to h...
Happy 9th Wedding Anniversary Jennifer & Mikey! 19 Sep 2007 | 06:07 pm
Happy 9th Wedding Anniversary Mikey & Jenn! How did that happen? How did 9 years just zoom by? I remember bringing Larry home to meet the entire family at your wedding. We had just gotten engaged that...
The Gift She Has Given 19 Sep 2007 | 04:00 am
Our little girl is 7 months old today, and we can hardly believe how much she has grown since we arrived at the baby house on July 27th! Amazingly, we received word that Norah’s birth mother came to ...
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT KAZAKHSTAN Location: Central Asia or some say Eastern Europe; located south of Russia and northwest of China Total Area: 1,687,443 sq miles (2,717,300 sq km) Land Area: 1,65...
Happy Birthday Uncle Bobby 15 Sep 2007 | 06:00 pm
Happy Birthday Uncle Bobby! The wonderful thing is, we can always remember that Norah officially crawled on your birthday! Up until today, she has only been creeping. But this morning, she took right ...
Alexandra's First Day Of School! 13 Sep 2007 | 05:40 pm
Hi Alex! Mommy wrote to tell us that it’s your first day of school today! Wow, we can’t believe you’re such a big girl. We hope you have a wonderful time at school; we can’t wait to hear all about it....
Logan Man goes To School 11 Sep 2007 | 02:42 am
Hi Logan Man! Buddy, it’s your first day of pre-school, how did that happen? I remember holding you just minutes after you where born...we were all so amazed to finally have a precious little boy in t...
Happy Labor Day! 8 Sep 2007 | 02:09 pm
Happy Labor Day! Hope everyone is enjoying the Labor Day festivities. We are just dreaming & drooling over thoughts of all the BBQ’s that must be going on without us! We’re all doing fine-just wanted ...