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MS Treatment Redux, Social Media Makes My Head Explode 3 Aug 2013 | 05:04 pm
The medicine for the leg pain I'm taking is called Gabapentin, it's the generic for Neurontin, have to say, so far so good. Let's face it, the pain is never going to go away, but if this stuff can ma...
Neurology Visit A Bust, And A Visit To The Sisters 28 Jul 2013 | 02:19 am
Had my doctor's appointment yesterday, went about as expected. Nothing you try, with the exception of Tysabri, and I test positive for the antibody that makes that dangerous. They prescribed Neurontin...
Storage Shelves Installed, Going Through The Motions With The Neurologist 25 Jul 2013 | 06:21 am
The father in law's house went on the market, he's not very happy about it, even less so about leaving his shelves there. Hey, a guy can be proud of his shelves! He wanted to know if I wanted them, ...
No Swimming Pool This Year, Teaching The Wife To Play Pitch 23 Jul 2013 | 04:16 am
We didn't open the pool this year, so much going on with the mother-in-law we knew we wouldn't have time to enjoy it. We researched the home healthcare options, set up the father-in-law's long-term di...
shut In Rules, Breathing Issues Being Checked 21 Jul 2013 | 09:15 am
These people think I am kidding about the shut in thing, haven't been home since I posted that! Out to dinner last night and tonight, the wife probably has me doing a 5 mile run tomorrow? It's gre...
I Quit 19 Jul 2013 | 08:17 am
Heavily debating becoming a shut in? Not feeling a strong urge to go anywhere these days. My get up and go has got up and went! Having such mobility problems that it takes all the fun out of me. ...
The Kids Have Jobs, And Medical Marijuana Law In Maryland A Joke 15 Jul 2013 | 05:01 pm
Both my minions, both the kids, have full time jobs, both with benefits, both excited to leave the house today. My first job was running numbers when I was 5 with my grandfather, I'd run into the Hig...
Time For A Haircut, Dealing With Aging Parents 15 Jul 2013 | 01:48 am
I gave in today and got rid of the hair, no more cool guy status, no more skate rats calling me dude. It will be cooler, temperature wise and a good bit easier to take care of. It's was getting hard...
Took A Tumble, Rosie To The Vet 13 Jul 2013 | 07:21 pm
Took a tumble the other day, tripped over the dog, I went down like a Kennedy! Tried to step over her tail, was so close to making it too. Not as sure footed as I once was, not by a long shot! ...
I'm Bored To Tears, And Rosie Is The Best Girl Dog In Perry Hall 28 Jun 2013 | 06:50 pm
What to do, what to do? Getting harder with each passing day to answer that question. I've read every page on the internet, played every game, so what do I do now? We haven't opened the pool, the w...