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The Zen of my Yard + Yard Trees & Bushes, Gardening Therapy 23 Aug 2013 | 01:33 am
I trust everyone is having an Awesome Day so far, I just can't believe we are almost through August already. Time just seem to fly right by. we have had some strange weather here this year, things got...
Tole/Decorative Painting Sale,Sale,Wood hand_painted gifts,Sale,Holiday Gifts Sale 26 Jun 2013 | 12:04 am
Just a few of the 26 items we have marked down 20% off...All new,single items....Check out the Sale button here at JUSBCUZ DEZNS>We hope you will contact us with any questions you may have
Sale Sale Coca_Cola_Bear,Soda Fountain Bear,Coke Collectible Bear 21 May 2013 | 04:06 am
Today's Coca Cola Item for Sale... We have a Coca Cola Soda Fountain Bear, New in Box, I have had him on display only.... Coca-Cola Bear,Soda Fountain Bear,Collectible Coke,Collectible Bear, Coca Cola...
Pattern Packets, DIY Painting Projects, Patterns, Decorative Painting, Tole_patterns,Painting_patterns 20 May 2013 | 02:51 am
Today we are wishing you all the best for the coming week, from all of us here at Jusbcuz Dezins...Happy Sunday Evening !. We want to add some of our Pattern Packets today for all of the DIY Crafters ...
Coca Cola Barbies, Soda Fountain Dolls, Collectible Coke Dolls 13 May 2013 | 10:41 pm
Today I am sharing 3 Collectible Coca Cola Barbie Dolls, Never been opened, I have had them on display only. I have these 3 as a set to a serious collector. I have a great collection of Coke Memorabil...
Halloween Decoration,Painting Instructions,Patterns,DIY Painting,Witch Patterns,Halloween Patterns 3 May 2013 | 09:12 pm
Check out our newest project, " Gurtie's Halloween Garden " decoration....We are offering her as a Pattern Packet.... Her size would make her costly to ship as a finished project...However, if you are...
Christmas Wreath,Christmas swag,Ginger Bread House,Christmas decor,Gingerbread's 25 Apr 2013 | 08:01 pm
Christmas is early today ! Just kidding :0), I know it's not Christmas, but if you are like me when it does get close, you are to busy shopping for gift's, to worry about decorations, Well we are offe...
Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Pencil Holder's, School's Out,Apple's & Pencils 2 Apr 2013 | 04:05 pm
School's almost out in some area's, I know here for us it is...We are offering a special today, on % set's of Teacher's Appreciation Gift's...Pencil Holder's...They are painted on both sides & include...
Wimsey Kitchen Decor, Measuring Cups, Tea Time,Tea Pots 31 Mar 2013 | 12:26 am
We have some new designs today, we want to share with you...We have 4 different projects for a Bright, Colorful & Wimsey Kitchen,Tea Time Tea Pots & cups....That hold Measuring Cups, Measuring Spoons,...
Woodsy Woodsy Moose & Bears 26 Mar 2013 | 05:59 pm
Good Morning ! I hope everyone will be having an AwEsOmE TuEsDaY :0)... We here at Jusbcuz Dezins have been working on a couple new project's for those who enjoy the woodsy theme, our 2 new project's ...