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1st HOKKIEN mee 25 Jul 2010 | 09:28 pm
Yesterday cook my very 1st Hokkien Mee !! hmm .. smell like ammonia haha .. think it will flop because the soup look so thin =.='' got scold by teacher T.T so sad ... means I am not a good student .. ...
bee bee @.@ 25 Jul 2010 | 02:02 am
其实 最疼我的人是你 谢谢你 bee pang kia !! muackss muackss
我受伤了 7 Jun 2010 | 11:22 pm
刚才在街上走着走着 突然我好想哭 现在的我也很想哭 一直以来我都不会控制我的情绪 一直以来我的眼泪都止不住 就像坏掉的水龙头一样 怎样关都还是会继续流 心情很难过 到底是某人造成的 还是我自找的 一直重复地问他 他却一次一次的没有回答我 到底是他听不到 还是不想回应 又或者是我问得太小声 坐在他的身边 他看到的人不是我 他的眼里根本就没有我 如果没有必要 他根本不会开口跟我说话吧 我觉得...
The BIGGEST Discount 6 Jun 2010 | 12:41 am
Just remember that I saw a very nice thing today !! My very BEST friend gonna love it so much !! Thinking to buy 2, 1 for you and 1 for myself but I am broke, how am I going to afford that ?? Some mor...
First EXPENSIVE B00T 6 Jun 2010 | 12:05 am
Got my very FIRST boot today !! Finally .. actually I am thinking to give up try so many and my super fat calf just can't fix in I just totally fed up with myself and that stupid leg !! I hate myself ...
1st of JUNE 1 Jun 2010 | 11:19 pm
The first day of WINTER!! Here come the winter Mount Buller I hope I can go there Checking flight today I hope that I can go to Bali next year Because at that time I will have free tour guide and wil...
我怀念的 1 Jun 2010 | 11:02 pm
喜欢大家聚在一起喝喝酒 喜欢大家聚在一起说笑话 我昨天玩得很开心 我很怀念昨天的时光 我很期待下一次的聚会 我们什么时候才会有机会再聚在一起了?? 第一次喝了这么多酒 其实对很多人来说那不算多 我醉了吗 我不知道 但是我知道自己很努力的不让自己出糗 不在大家心目中留下坏印象 Hangover 不能好好的睡 肚子也有好多风 头发还很臭!! 但那几小时 都让我很怀念 我怀念的是大家一起大声地笑 ...
such a long time 11 May 2010 | 10:35 pm
Today went to excursion again Second time for this term which is very good and I like it! Matt always like to stare at me, so weird and scary!! Somebody still ignore me made me very sad and hurt! I t...
梦 17 Jan 2010 | 07:19 pm
这几天做的梦 好奇怪,好好笑,也好无厘头! 第一次是梦到鲸鱼,不是一只,而是很多只 我好像还去摸它,和它做朋友=.='' 还有鲨鱼,幸好没有咬我 第二天的更奇怪 梦见跟一个和他没有很多话讲的人 他好像还跟我很亲密的样子 还开奇怪的摩托车,载我到很不像机场的机场 接下来的梦就完全不一样,和之前的一点关系也没有 竟然给我梦见了吸血鬼 看太多吸血鬼的故事了吗?? 可是我都还没有开始。。。
hottest day 15 Jan 2010 | 04:23 pm
11/01/10 First day back to school meet Lisa - last stage teacher is a pretty woman go talk with her during morning tea break actually got not much to talk also I think she don't understand what I say...