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벌써 2년이 지났나? 1 Aug 2013 | 04:44 am

7.21.2013 요새는 머리를 쓰는 행동을 많이 한다. 그래서 몸이 약해지고 머리도 피곤한다. 어쩔수없다. 할 일이 너무 많다. 그래도 미국에서 사는 것보다 여기에서 사는게 좋은 점이 더 많은 것 같다. 단점도 있지만... 미국에서 살았을때는 계속 한국에서의 생활을 생각했다. 지금은 다시 미국에서의 편하고 천천히 생활을 하고 싶네. 결정을 내리지 못 하고...

일기 쓰기 15 Jun 2011 | 07:45 am

(2011년 6월 5일) 시작하겠다. 우리 와이프는 "외국어를 모국어 처럼 잘 하고 싶으면 일기를 맨날 써야돼"라고 했다. 그래서 일기 쓰기를 시작 하고 있다. 그런데 무슨 주제나 일들에 대해 쓸까? 또 쓸때 나만 읽으니까 표준어로 써야되나? 아니면 반말로 써도 될까? 질문이 많겠지. 자 here we go. 지난 일년 동안 담임...

한국 부모님께 보낸 편지 15 Jun 2011 | 07:11 am

So I sent a letter to my parents-in-law last week. I took a photo of the paper before I sent it off, printed off the snapshot copy and asked my wife to correct any mistakes. Turns out, it was mistake-...

가톨릭 기도 28 Apr 2011 | 07:53 am

I don't mean for this to turn into a religious blog by any means and I certainly hope that these kinds of posts don't come off as pushy. It's certainly not my intention. It's just that since coming ba...

부 (夫) 27 Apr 2011 | 09:10 am

Embarrassingly long time since my last post. Place the blame on any number of life events to include but not limited to: having a baby. Go us. Today's Hanja character is not to be confused with 아버 부 ...

버릇 vs 습관 28 Nov 2010 | 07:01 am

Habits. When talking about the things you do everyday, would you use 버릇 or 습관? Since they both mean "habit" can't you just say 좋은 습관 and 나쁜 습관 to differentiate between "good" and "bad" habits? Doesn't...

미사 순서 15 Nov 2010 | 12:31 pm

I debated posting this because I certainly would never want to push any religious agenda on anyone. However, I think that anyone in a similar situation that I was in might benefit from this so here go...

KGYSAK: To clean 1 Nov 2010 | 02:31 pm

Clean. Think of all the different ways we use this word in English. It's a broad brush that has a lot of interpretation. In Korean, each instance is broken up into slew of different verbs and adjectiv...

이유 vs 의미 24 Oct 2010 | 03:02 pm

Am I the only one that confuses these two? I shouldn't seeing as how they don't mean the same thing. Take a look: 의미 (意味) meaning, sense, significance You may not use 의미 a lot in spoken Korean becau...

천천히 vs 느리게 19 Oct 2010 | 04:11 pm

Slow your roll. What's the real difference between 천천히 and 느리게? Don't they both mean "slow"? Pull up a chair because I'm taking my time with this one: 천천하다 is the root verb and close to never used. 천...

Related Keywords:

Konglish, ㄹ 줄 알다, integrated korean level 2, 한국어 1 korean book, how to say 송 in english, klear textbook, 어쨌든, "self studying isn't", learning korean advices, 곰 세 마리가

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