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Moving the Hobby Cave - The Hobby Cave MkII 22 Sep 2012 | 03:19 am
Yikes, has it really been almost two months since I last posted? Yes, yes it has. It's been even longer since I put brush to model. Bummer. Settling into my new digs, a new social situation and, m...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #16 29 Jul 2012 | 10:29 am
All that's left between me and completion is getting the terrain boards ready to go. This was actually pretty fun, so it was a much better way to end it all then trying to clean a 5 year old stain of...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #15 29 Jul 2012 | 03:44 am
I got back from the dumpser and got back to the hobby cave. After a touch of vacuum maintenance, though. First order of business was to get at all the little bits and such that had collected over th...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #14 29 Jul 2012 | 02:04 am
Well, the fun and interesting part is pretty much over (though there is one little bit of fun to be had) and I'm staring the worst aspect of this venture straight in the face. And by that I mean the ...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #13 28 Jul 2012 | 10:42 am
Took a short little nap and went to Target to get a few moving related things. Included in that was another plastic tub for my Sabol case. I just wasn't convinced a soft case was gonna be okay in th...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #12 28 Jul 2012 | 07:26 am
A quick trip to the bank and a longer trip to Louis' Lunch later and I'm back at it. Or was back at it. The next leg of my packing course was a bit more long and grueling than things had been so far...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #11 28 Jul 2012 | 02:51 am
It's been a busy Friday so far, and I'm pretty much down to the furniture. Though I keep forgetting about mt meager terrain collection in another closet. Anyway, I got into the zone and some of my p...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #10 27 Jul 2012 | 11:02 am
Another few hours of packing and things are still rockin' and a rollin'. I'm in the homestretch with this update so things are looking good to be done by this Saturday. The rest of my paint went int...
Moving the Hobby Cave - Update #9 27 Jul 2012 | 03:20 am
I actually got what follows accomplished last night but I ran out of time/juice to do the blogging bit. Now I'm finally on to the most painstaking part of this packing challenge - my vast paint colle...